Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 118

Yurixx >> :

I can understand when theorists and practitioners do not understand each other. But what are casual romantics doing here who don't know a thing about this or that?

By the way, just so you can sleep better, I had my own business for 10 years and shut it down 8 years ago because I was tired of wasting my life on this rat race. If the words 'real business' conjure up some lofty association for you or if you think it can justify something, that only shows a level of naivety.

What the romantics are doing here, I don't know, probably the same as the others.

I have no problems with sleep, and your prescription is not clear, whether to rub or smear, and the benefits are somewhat doubtful, but thanks anyway.

I have more respect for people in business than for those who do not carry the burden.

>> thanks again for worrying about my dream.

Guys! What's up? :) Who are we picking on? :)) It's the contagious virus of this thread still working...
DDFedor >> :

The parable of the six loaves of bread.

Good! Good parable!

We all owe someone and someone owes us. It's probably not money, and you may not feel any debt, but it is there.

Be grateful to those you owe and you will be grateful to those who owe you.

These are the moral principles of the family. If there is no sense of duty and obligation in the family, there is no family.

And it doesn't matter what the relationship in the family is because it's your blood.

Sorry, I'm getting philosophical. Time to quit drinking :))))))))))))))

DDFedor >> :

The parable of the six loaves of bread.

One man used to buy six loaves of bread every day. Every day in all weathers he went to the bazaar to buy bread. One day a friend asked him:
- Tell me, what are you doing with these six loaves that you buy day after day? You wouldn't be able to eat that much anyway.
The man said:
- I will gladly explain it to you. Listen: I keep one loaf, throw one away, give two back, and lend you two.
Hearing this, my friend shook his head:
- I have not understood a single word of what you have said; make it clearer.
Then the other replied:
- The bread that I keep I eat. The bread I throw away, I give to my mother-in-law. The two loaves I return, I give to my mother and father, and the two loaves I borrow, I give to my sons.

Ewww beach.... almost made me puke...

Such nonsense... Clearly written by someone in an unhealthy sense... What are you talking about gentlemen???? Have you completely fucked off with forex? Fuck forex and all that shit when it comes to family and loved ones... What money? What profit? Are you confused? Are you ready to lend your children??? Ugh, a thousand times... You're out of your mind...

I can only explain it all by saying that neither Leo nor Uncle Feder have families or children, and that is the only reason they can talk about rich things. I pity you frankly... ....


Yurixx писал(а) >> I wonder, LeoV, what does your child pay you for everything you do for him: feed, clothe, shelter? And what does he pay you for your love (if, of course, you have that feeling for him)?

I don't want anything from him. What I'm saying is that I personally don't get anything for free in this life. Soon you won't be able to fart for free - you'll have to pay a fine for polluting the atmosphere. If you get everything for free, I envy you. If you pretend to get it all for free - no need to cheat yourself or your child. It will only make things worse for the child - I assure you....)))))

I told the truth, the honest truth. There is no shame in it - it is the world we live in and we did not invent it. There is no point in hiding or pretending otherwise. A child should know that he has to work and earn money to buy what he wants......

RomanS писал(а) >> I can only explain all this by the fact that neither LEO nor Uncle Feder have a family or children, that's the only reason they can talk HIGHLY about the rich, I honestly feel sorry for you....

I have children. But I understand the meaning of the parable. It's not as straightforward as it's written. But it does make sense.

LeoV >> :

I have children. But I understand the meaning of the parable. It's not as straightforward as it's written. But it does make sense.

I'd rather not eat the bread myself and give it to the child, not on loan, of course.

RomanS писал(а) >>

I'd rather not eat the bread myself and give it to the child, certainly not on loan

Don't take it so literally......)))) A parable is a parable for that it is said "allegorically" so that everyone could think "in the measure of his or her depravity" .....))))

RomanS >> :

I'd rather not eat the bread myself and give it to the child, not on loan, of course.

Well, you have to understand that the parable is figurative. Why take it so literally?

Think bigger! :))))))