Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 120

Pegasmaster >> :

Easy to refute you! Humans are a little more complex than neural networks and it is possible to be in hate and love at the same time.

Haven't you ever experienced opposite feelings at the same time? Or contradictory feelings, for example?

Neural networks are a pathetic semblance of intelligence, like you don't know that.

Like, I know, but we only differ in size and speed of networks and maybe in the complexity of the architecture.

LeoV >> :

Because unfortunately, in this life, you can't go anywhere without money. Even for this beautiful companionship, all of us have paid money.....)))

Let's not confuse God's gift with an egg. Money for money, but hopefully relationships between people are above money for now.

And I wish it could stay that way forever.

For example, an acquaintance of mine kept asking me why he was single, because he didn't have enough money for a girlfriend. And I always told him that it's not money that's the basis of a normal relationship. He's been single for a long time, that's why.

Pegasmaster писал(а) >> relationships between people are above money so far.

What's good about forums is that you quickly lose the thought and the essence of the conversation. We were actually talking about material things, not about relationships between people. We were talking about giving gifts to your wife, your girlfriend, your child, too. That if you want to get high on an island, you have to pay for it. Without money, it's very hard to do. What's it got to do with relationships? Relationships have nothing to do with it......

Urain >> :

Like I know, but we only differ in size and performance and maybe in architectural complexity.

It seems that this size, and this speed, and this complexity of the architecture is crucial in the degree of difference between a human and a neural network.

And this degree of difference is most likely infinite.

Agree, one neural network hasn't asked another one out yet :)))))))))))))))))))))))

LeoV >> :

Isn't that right?

My uncle, who had been a successful businessman all his life, had his own business, had a lot of money, expensive cars, a nice life, etc. but was badly hit by a loan during the crisis, had to close his chain of shops and bitterly left for the Valaam Islands to serve in a monastery. So he came back a year later... says he's never been happier in his whole life... And money can't buy that...

Truth is, there's no correlation between happiness and money. You can have a lot of it and not be happy... or exactly the opposite. You can't make everything about how fat your purse is, it's much more important how many people love you...

LeoV >> :

What's good about forums is that you quickly lose the thought and the essence of the conversation. We were actually talking about material things, not about relationships between people. We were talking about giving gifts to your wife, your girlfriend, your child, too. That if you want to get high on an island, you have to pay for it. What's it got to do with relationships? Relationships have nothing to do with it......

Just started discussing the parable of the six loaves of bread, and there you go.

Pegasmaster >> :

It seems that this size, and this performance, and this complexity of the architecture is crucial in the degree of difference between a human and a neural network.

And that degree of difference is probably infinite.

Agree, one neural network hasn't asked another one out yet :)))))))))))))))))))))))

Of course, the quantity goes to the quality,

But you still have to calculate under high uncertainty when making a decision,

This is how we perform small miracles every day.

If every trader would process as much information when opening an order as when crossing the road, there would not be a lot of losers.

LeoV >> :

That if you want to get high on an island, you have to pay for it.

I am so screwed!!! Didn't see that while writing the post!!!

It's just that my uncle is still getting high on the island.... and he ain't coming back. He says we all live here and we don't know what it's for.

On this island they pay him money for it, but not much... but he don't need it there... >> he gives it away as a donation...

RomanS >> :

My uncle, who had been a successful businessman all his life, had his own business, had a lot of money, expensive cars, a nice life, etc. but was badly hit by a loan during the crisis, had to close his chain of shops and went off to the Valaam Islands to serve in a monastery with grief. So he came back a year later... says he's never been happier in his whole life... And money can't buy that...

The truth is, there's no correlation between happiness and money... You can have a lot of it and not be happy... or exactly the opposite. You can't make everything about how fat your purse is, it's more important how many people love you...


his name's not Yuri.