Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 83

Galina >> :

What do you think of the Jews ????

Your esteemed Niroba thinks one thing and does another.

Galina >> :

Oops :)

Excuse me please, you're swearing so well here :)

Am I disturbing you.... ?

I have a question.

What do you think of the Jews ????

Locally of course. Will there be a pullback from 1.4900 or not ?

It was already 1.4911

and 1.5000 would be

( in summer they promised it in a week, but the forecast did not come true )


well, we're almost there - in a few months.

the forecast was for 1.30 or lower

oil was promised at 12 and gold at 600


Galina ... so far none of the forecasts have come true ( in time )

maybe oil will be 12 and 6 and maybe even 0.5 - in the next future when they find alternative energy sources

Galina >> :

But I'm really curious, ..... what you think.

All anyone does around here is fight with each other... but what about trade? !!!! ????

>> private message him if you're so businesslike.

why this diarrhea of consecutive posts at minute intervals

Galina писал(а) >>

Oops :)

Excuse me please, you're swearing so well here :)

Am I disturbing you.... ?

I have a question.

What do you think of the Jews ????

Locally of course. Will there be a pullback from 1.4900 or not ???

The higher they go, the quicker they will sell out.

The nearest support level is at 1.40 :)

NYROBA писал(а) >>

The higher they go, the quicker they will sell out.

Nearest support level at 1.40 :)



Galina >> :

Locally of course. Will there be a pullback from 1.4900 or not?

Who knows, maybe a pullback or a reversal?

If one knew the purchase, one would live in Sochi.


The higher they go, the quicker they will sell out.

Nearest support level at 1.40 :)

That's for sure....will do something on Saturday.... like Khodorkovsky then )))) to have something to justify such a SHPOKEY!!! )))

It's time to rename the branch "Online Brainwashing" (NIROBA method)...
Reshetov >> :

Who knows, maybe a pullback, maybe a U-turn?

If you knew, you'd be living in Sochi.

Sochi no longer counts, if I knew the waves, I'd live in Monte Carlo :))))))))))))))))))))

cablyk писал(а) >>

the last job I had was not connected to my city... royalties were mostly from London...

H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-A-A :o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

from London you say?!!! LOL!!! ;о)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Yep, I've never met such funny morons before! ;-)