Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 68


You can say "NO to neurobism!" here... 'SPAM, SPAMERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATES...'

DDFedor писал(а) >>

You can say "NO to neurobism!" here... 'SPAM, SPAMERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATES...'

You'd better make some useful predictions, or at least something worthwhile, you're only spamming! ;о)


>> where the hell are you going against central banks?

>> wait for trouble.

cablyk писал(а) >>

Where are you going against central banks, you fool?

wait for trouble.

You better show me your real trading, everyone's a good hand at giving out stupid advice! :)


You'd better show us your real trading, everyone's a master at giving out stupid advice! :)

Why would I do that?

i told you from the beginning i'm not up to your level of profitability

>> i trade once every 2 days, i stop at 10pts.

You better withdraw your balance, you'll fuck it up 100%.

cablyk писал(а) >>

I told you from the beginning I wasn't up to your profitability.

Yeah... >> did you change your trousers?

cablyk >> :

>> and you better take the balance out, you'll fuck it up 100%.

You don't know what to do...


What pair do you trade with a stop loss of 10p?

What do you think?

>> which is the most liquid instrument

cablyk писал(а) >>

What do you think?

What's the most liquid instrument

with a stop at 10 pips?!

you should be getting knocked out by stops all the time! ;о)

cablyk писал(а) >>

why would I want to do that?

Of course why would you trade, draw pictures! :-)