Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 61


NYROBA, explain still what prevents you from monitoring the account and then put the link in the first post of this thread, or in your profile? why these spying games with short-term distribution of passwords?

Figar0 писал(а) >>

The account number posted does not match the account number on the screenshots, why mess with people's heads?

The second account is of a man who trades on signals, I look after his account, I only have the investment password.

I cannot, for ethical reasons, post the investment passwords of students.

Read the thread carefully from the beginning. :)

It works. Thank you!
NYROBA писал(а) >>

password: Investor:

You're a yumorist, one and all.



>> password .

It's OK.

Well, the man with the jokes... Well... We all have our quirks. ))))

And the account is real....

Cvinto писал(а) >>
>> it's okay.

Photoshop or demo?! :))))))))))))))))))))


How do I enter it, it still shows no connection...?

Pavel447 писал(а) >>

How do I enter it, it still shows no connection...?

with a colon... and wait a minute.

So everyone's been out for 10 minutes...