EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1639

cr0ss писал(а) >>

Why don't you advise it? Huh? Why don't you think waves are good for making a trading decision?? Fuck... so many analysts have been using EVA for years and manage quite large assets...

it's a dark day today... at least for me... even lost 14 quid at the end of the day... and then the guy in wave authority, who Prechter himself was begging to tell me a little bit about waves, says I don't recommend EVA for trading.... I'm going to drink vodka and eat cigarettes...

p.s. and fuck this primer here...

impulse = 1-2-3-4-5
Correction = A-B-C etc.
that's especially hot , etc. Why are there so many letters left? I'm fucking stoked.

Hahaha :)
I don't know PreKter personally :) There's still a lot of paperwork, though. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I.


no words... don't understand why the yen is selling so hard...
mixo_lexus >>:
Ивн .. ну чо собираеццо график вниз идти .. или Бернанке всю пятую волну наломал ?

We have both Trichet and Bernanke today and Geithner speaking at 9pm MOSCOW....
I don't know if it's going to fall or rise...
Probably won't rub it out much tonight.
exi >>:

Хахаха :)
С ПреКтером я лично не знаком :) А букаФ там реально еще много. А-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I.

Since you don't know him personally, he was dictating the alphabet on Skype, wasn't he?! :))) Respect to you, that's a bit of a laugh!!!

So are we still going down???
Alexan >>:

Он про детский сад наверно :)))
Вот картинка... Нифига не получается. Думаю разметка неверная, но на скорую руку пока только так могу... Мож у кого мысли будут (я про волновиков).

I was right about the pound :)
It didn't go up :)
Galina писал(а) >>

I was right about the pound :)
>> it didn't go up :)

>> look where it's going now.
Galina >>:

А по фунту то я права была :)
не пошол он наверх :)

Galochka, you are always right)))
So where are we on the euro? Going to 3420???
RekkeR >>:
Gip, но нельзя быть самоуверенным. Надо бдить.

Who do you want to wake up?