EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1634

Galina писал(а) >>

The pound will make new lows this week.
Mona will even come to my final target at 1.46.
So the eurik is going to get bumped ....
>> AT LEAST 1.3248.

The eurite is going down but the pound against the yen is interesting
waitra >>:

Спасибо за идеи! У меня два сценария:
1. С текущих подъем к 139
2. Спуск 135

Раньше они с GBPUSD шли относительно синхронно. А вчера разлетелись в разные стороны. Так понимаю из-за сильного давления на йену. Йена, скорее всего все-таки продолжит снижение против твердых валют. Выходит, что 1 сценарий более вероятен чем второй (*в задучивости) + по фунтику вышли хорошие новости. На графике вижу восходядий канал (Н4) но фиг его знает в общем.

Don't forget that there's an election coming up in the UK... They are trying for statistics... But there was a scenario of uncertainty if the election results are not as expected ... didn't get into it... but could seriously affect the currency....

RekkeR >>:
нравицца мне лексус, как атомобиль и сиденья из рыжей кошки.

Lexus LF-Xh google it )))

oleniknik писал(а) >>

Don't forget that there's an election coming up in the UK... They are trying for statistics... But there was a scenario of uncertainty if the election results are not as expected ... didn't get into it... but could seriously affect the currency....

Will it be lowered? )

PS by the way, the automatic shows lateral movement in the 135/7.5 range
Sold at 1.3360
olivero >>:
Продал по 1,3360

What did you sell and how much? Afghani hash, caboose? %)

olivero >>:
Продал по 1,3360

Waiting for 1.3380


I have a feeling we're going to go up on the Euro 3450

Vlad72 >>:

что-то у меня такое впечатление что поднимемся по евре 3450

I'm at the 1.3420 stop . don't forget to pick me up before you leave for the south, please....

cr0ss писал(а) >>

What'd you sell and how much??? Afghani hash, caboose?)

Where'd you see a carabocha at 1.3360?