EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1515

RekkeR >>:

Это плоды пригодны для игры в шахматы, со старыми пердунами в скверике. А если на плечах "лопата", выдающая результаты попавшие в струю, способом извлечения из нее момнтов не поддающихся логике, то скажите есть ли закономерная стабильность в получении результатов? Или это разовая акция?

I've been making my predictions here for a month already, every week I get 80-90% coincidence, it's a regularity for me personally, I can't tell you anything about stability, I haven't traded real money, I sometimes make 400% every week, sometimes I even lose money, because of inexperience, greed, etc... I'm working on risk management, you need a system and a POWERful money management, no other way to make money in the market... So for me it's not a one-time action, but a way of life... Experience is the most important thing! It comes only when trading with real money... fear and greed disappear then, you work with ease, coldly accepting losses and profits...

Don't you think the eurik is in a bit of a hurry to go up....
Looks like 1.3519 is going to be the day's candle to close.[hash]trade

For the stranger. The clock in the upper right corner is what I think is showing the interest (what that forum is all about) at the moment. so before the american open the eurodollar started to rise in the buy column. and the reaction is only now. maybe.
oleniknik >>:[hash]trade

Для стренджера. На эти часиках в верхнем правом углу как раз по моему и показан интерес (то очем тот форум) на данный момент. так вот перед открытием америки пара евродоллар начал рости столбик покупок. а реакция толь сейчас. возможно.

Reports once a week.))))
strangerr >>:

Отчеты раз в неделю.))))

are these reports posted after the fact or what? I'm sceptical about this information...
Galina >>:

Не кажется вам, что еврик как о не очень наверх торопится....
Похоже что на 1.3519 дневную свечу так и закроет.

Galina, if you're expecting a lift today, I'll disappoint you again - there won't be one today.
strangerr >>:

Отчеты раз в неделю.))))

the report yes, and this is interest at the moment. The report is a summing up of the week and making plans for the next one. and it only says that at the end of the week people were buying more and want to buy more at the beginning of the week. and on Wednesday or Thursday, interest may change drastically.

strangerr писал(а) >>

Galina, if you are expecting a rise today, I will disappoint you again - there will be no rise today.

I do not expect any rise today, on the contrary, I think that in a moment we may hit 1.3487.
I see the day's close above 1.3500, about 1.3519-1.3526

Galina писал(а) >>

I do not expect a rise today, on the contrary, I think we might hit 1.3487.
I see the day's close above 1.3500, about 1.3519-1.3526

Galina, do you build levels manually or do you have a program?

I think the fixation has begun...