EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1830

And the dollar is back at 1.3531- 37 this morning ....

Here are two more arguments on the fact that at the beginning of trading we will update the minimum...i.e. create a divergence...M15 and M30 at the moment show a preliminary stable signal for the formation of a divergence...

oleniknik >>:
А с утра доллар снова по 1.3531- 37 ....

I should probably open an account with a brokerage company that trades on weekends and holidays, the advisor would earn a little money....

OlegTs >>:

надо наверно открыть счет на ДЦ, который торгует в выходные и праздники, советник бы подзаработал малость....

are there any? are you kidding? by the way who knows the nature of these weekend moves ? share....

forte928 >>:
Привет ФОРТЕ !!!
Haven't seen you in a while :)
You've been mimicing, haven't you?
oleniknik >>:

а разве есть такие? прикалываешься? кстати кто знает природу этих движений на выходных ? поделитесь....

I'm not kidding, forex works without weekends and holidays, it's the dealers who are taking a break. Not for themselves, but for us. All other comrades, banks or funds go to the market without weekends and holidays. Therefore, there are gaps and movement, not so strong, but there. There are brokerage companies that work seven days a week. I have to look around on the Internet...

By the way, guys,
I've been confused lately about this kind of sudden movements on the weekend in the eu.
I haven't seen that before.... It used to stomp around and that's about it.
But here it's going wild, nothing to say.
And I wouldn't trust the indicator too much after the weekend if I were you.
It's not like she's been making any of those moves.
For example, the eurik was twice above 1.3530 and twice returned to the minima at the weekend.
As you understand the indices do not reflect it, because we just close the gap.
And by the way, who likes to deal with waves, they will do the same.
I have a friend, he calls it "lost waves", for this reason, as he govarit and errors appear in the layout on the waves (as he govarit).
What is such a situation to do?
Forte this point on your tambourine e affects???
And if you finish drawing what the euras did over the weekend, up to this point, you draw roughly such a picture:
OlegTs >>:

не прикалываюсть, Форекс работает без выходных и праздников, это ДЦ себе устраивают отдых. Точнее не себе а нам. Все остальные товарищи, банки там, или фонды какие выходят на рынок без выходных и праздников. Поэтому и гэпы и движение, не такое сильное но есть. Есть ДЦ, которые работают без выходных. Надо пошарить в инете...

Drop me a line if you can find it :)
I looked over the weekend's movements ... The only major moves were on the Eurodollar (30 - 40 pts) and the EuroJPY (40 - 50 pts) ... in short the euro was moving in my opinion ... All others in the range of 10 pips at most ... Anyway, what are your thoughts on the weekend move ?... Yes right - all pairs the EUR was shaken up (from 30 to 50 pips) .... there you go... something is going on with the euro....
Galina писал(а) >>
Haven't seen you in a while :)
You've been mardicating, eh?

Galina, learn to respect your language in which you speak, because it is your native language, Word has taught me to write correctly, although Russian is not my native language, everything is built on memorization, and some rules which I still remember from school. By the way, at school I got F's in the language in a quarter...
I don't... because the connection is bad, I reacted only to mid-term trends because I`ve recognized all reversals and movements in time... In principle this week I can earn 380 points. In reality I may earn even more - everything depends on the possible moves of the second, third and fourth waves by the end of the week - in fact I may double my deposit by the end of the week... With an optimum work strategy - aggressive strategy with a 500% increase