EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1825

Alexan >>:

При всем уважении к г-ну Паку линия ii-iv не должна пересекаться частью 5-й волны.
Ну по классике наверное канает. По Нилли никак.

NikT_58 >>:

Как моя жена.
Скажет неправильно
Ей а как?
А я не знаю.
Тогда уж лучше ничего не говорить.

"The wife, as always, is right..." (c)

Here's a new one. Also controversial, of course, the pulses are suspicious. Mostly just corrections. I will attach it now.
Looks like some kind of fucking triangle is forming again. That it is not an impulse is for sure!

Alexan >>:

Вот наваял новый вариант. Тоже конечно спорный, импульсы подозрительные. В основном одни коррекции. Сейчас прикреплю.

Right now on the Euros there are only corrections.
There are NO impulses!
Not one, that's the funny thing :)
Galina писал(а) >>

Right now on the Euros there are only corrections.
There are NO impulses there!
Not one, that's the funny thing :)

That's true. There's not much fun in it. I'm sick of it all. I can't wait to see what the trend is.

Strangerr, that's a picture of me, man. ))))
For at least three more weeks.
Who thinks about the possibility of such an event?

Galina, just for you. And it's all classic. The market is like this.......... What am I gonna do...

Why have you written so little overnight?))))
You'll laugh, but longs on euro are growing, and on dollar - on the contrary, while indicators show downward movement)))). So Nicolas, where there is 0 you can put 1.)))