EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2071

ok ..... I'll let you in on my little secret for thanks .... ))))) if price touches 1.3040 roughly ...then the pullback will be at least 8% of the distance covered of almost 2800 pips .... in the picture notice the green levels ..... and 8% of 2800 pips is about 200 -250 pips (freebie)
chepikds писал(а) >>

Where can you go so far away that you can't access the internet?!!! Tibet maybe? =)))

There is internet in Tibet :) >> No internet in Kazakh steppe :(

Alex_Xv wrote >>

>> let me add.

That makes more sense.
Alexan >>:

Ну как... За деньги конечно. 45уе в месяц. На сайте неовейв

give me the link please ...i want to see his masterpieces of tradesmanship ....

odiseif >>:
ладно .....открою свою маленькую тайну за спасибо ....))))) еслицена коснется 1,3040 примерно ...то откат будет как минимум 8% от пройденой дистанции в почти в 2800 пунктов ....на картинке обратите внимание на зеленые уровни .....а 8 % от 2800 пунктов это примерно 200 -250 пунктов (халява )

By the way a little warning ..... price may sometimes touch and go backwards ..... and sometimes may shake a little and go behind the line.... but it will always come back and go the same way 7-10% no matter how strong the trend is .... (you need a break) so pips is not a good recommendation.

Alexan >>:

А там нет в свободном доступе шедевров. Тут вариант трай энд бай не канает :)))

Thank you

Tantrik >>:

Ну вот и отработала.... а вы говорите стопы...(стопы - зло!)

Tantrik >>:

Получается надо до 14.00 держать было...

if I knew how much to keep, I would live in Acapulco))))

Tantrik писал(а) >>

And the chart there seemed to be fine.... why fix 8pps?

By the way aussie and canadian trend reversals! be careful...

I watch you, you post every move and sneeze on the forum.

Tell him to wait two minutes when he clicks add and it will add itself .... I've been reading the same thing for two pages now