EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1705

strangerr >>:

Думаю не так низко - где то на 1.3350.

Sorry about that... to the area of 1.3405

the level of 1.36xx-1.3730 is very tempting

p.s. Any Muscovites? :(
cr0ss писал(а) >>
p.s. any Muscovites?
There are :-)

About the bombings :(
According to Luzhkov, "according to FSB, the explosion was carried out by two female suicide bombers".
waitra >>:
Есть :-)

It's good to know! So what's the cause of the bombings, any theories? Who, for what?

p.s. I've already read the press...


Galya, here's something about Neely. If you know English:

Glenn Neely and NEoWave Institute Launch Neely Investments LLC

Prominent Elliott Wave analyst Glenn Neely has formed Neely Investments LLC to manage and direct private funds globally.

Aliso Viejo, CA (PRWEB) July 10, 2009 -- Glenn Neely and NEoWave Institute have formed Neely Investments LLC to manage and direct private funds globally. A prominent Elliott Wave analyst, Neely was recognized in Timer Digest's May 2009 issue as the #1 stock market timer for the past 12 months.

Based in New York, Neely Investments is the world's first and only portfolio management firm based on core NEoWave disciplines. Glenn Neely is the founder and architect of the NEoWave method of trading and market forecasting. Over the years, he has received a significant number of inquiries from investors interested in NEoWave-basedinvestment management. The creation of Neely Investments is the culmination of his 25-year career of successful forecasting and trading advisory services.

Neely Investments has partnered with Emerson Equity LLC, a registered investment adviser and broker dealer, to offer a series of NEoWave-based private investment funds. To receive information on NEoWave-based private investment funds, please contact Emerson Equity at:
Emerson Equity LLC
Attn: David M. Beach
245 Park Avenue, 24th Fl, New York, NY 10167
(212) 672-1863
A Registered Investment Advisor
Member FINRA and SIPC

Glenn Neely, founder of NEoWave Institute, is once again recognized as a top S&P timer by Timer Digest. NEoWave offers stock market trading strategies and insights for the S&P, Euro, T-Notes, and Gold. (PRWeb Sep 23, 2009)

cr0ss писал(а) >>

It's good to know! So what's the cause of the explosions, any theories? Who, for what?

Added to the previous post, the official version is terrorist attack, carried out by two suicide bombers.
As always, innocent people suffer for no reason :( but for ideological reasons of some other people
waitra >>:

Добавила в прошлый пост, официальная версия - теракт, исполнен двумя шахидками-смертницами
как всегда невинные люди страдают ни за что :( а по идейным соображениям некоторых других людей

Chase the blacks away and all will be quiet.

Alexan >>:

I don't care.
I think my opinion of this tovarishka is pretty clear.
strangerr писал(а) >>

Chase the blacks away and all will be quiet.

Be careful. You know it's impossible. If you doubt it, come and see for yourself. Slogans like that don't do you any good :)
Rebyata ya novichok v dannoi sfere, no za nedelyu uspel s 200 do 940 podnyat'! Novichkam vezyot! Na vyhodnyh postavil prislushalsya k STRNGERRu i postavil BUY STOP! Rezul'tat 180 baksov +! STRANGERR delo govorit!
waitra >>:

Добавила в прошлый пост, официальная версия - теракт, исполнен двумя шахидками-смертницами
как всегда невинные люди страдают ни за что :( а по идейным соображениям некоторых других людей

What were their motives for committing terrorist attacks? :(

If the "authorities" had been adequate, ~5 hours ago a couple dozen air-to-ground missiles would have landed on someone's doorstep and then the call would have gone out - "You are alive out there ... bedbugs... "