EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 849

syan >>:
золото и AUD открылись гэпом вверх. Прада золото откатывает уже.. интересно почему евро не гепануло...

yes...... gold came off nicely..... this gap could be indicative of serious upside potential for gold! IMHO

how to understand what is being done ?
rustein >>:
как понимать что делают ?

who's doing what?


It will clear up in the morning.

'North' beckons.

avatara >>:

утром прояснится.

"Север" манит.

yes the north has been beckoning for a long time, the far north, but will it be confirmed.......


Benya said the cheap (in the sense of a cache-keri) quid would still be given a lot.

Hence the craving for risk.

Who's got the pictures for today?

I don't understand this move on Monday at this hour and the TA seems to be pulling back

We might bounce back, or we might stand still for a while and in the morning Europe will buy euriks too)))))