EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1702

exi >>:

С разметкой согласен. Вопрос только в том вписыватся ли он в старшую структуру ? Я сам не проверял.
И еще, волна Е необязательно будет выше С. Можно так же предсказать время окончания волны Е. Примерно 2 апреля.

Волна В занимает меньше времени, чем А и С значит Extracting Triangle возможен. Т.е. вы еще должны учитывать кончание волны Е ниже С. Проведите парралельную линию от максимума точки А и получите вероятную остановку. Так же обратите внимание что волна Е НЕ должна быть самый короткой по времени.

ЗЫ: ИМХО если вы будете учитывать фактор времени Ваша разметка станет еще лучше и точнее.

By the way, sir, what do you recommend to read specifically on timing, I'm not good at it at all? I mean, wave markup + timing.

strangerr писал(а) >>

By the way, sir, what do you recommend to read specifically on timing, I'm not good at it at all? I mean, wave markup + timing.

Well, all of the above is all NeoWave. By the way, the book "Mastering Wave Analysis" by G. Neely does not describe his entire theory.

And as for "read", I haven't found anything of the kind. These are my own conclusions. In fact, there is a "Gann's Square of Nine". Using it you may predict the time (not the price) of price reversal. I have never used it myself. I know that Gann has been constantly reproached for quackery :)
exi писал(а) >>

Thanks for the comments. I'll keep that in mind. I'll read more about the extenders. I need to decide whether it's going to be a restricting one or not.
Regarding Gann's Square Nine - they send me the forecasts but I am not able to use them. Here is an example of how to calculate the pivot according to Fuy. Generally speaking, they say Gann forecasts are a powerful thing.

Well, the 3480 promised by Forte has been reached. Now shall we walk down, or is anyone against it?

waitra писал(а) >>

I am talking about this particular gap, for the current layout. Right now the chart clearly shows that large amounts are coming in. They are breaking through the trend line, if they sell at once, we will go down, then we will make a small comeback and go down. If the price does not break through now, resistance retest at 1.348, and decline to 1.339.

I put the sale, according to my forecast, let's see how it goes

waitra >>:

Ставлю продажу по своему прогнозу, посмотрим как пойдет

and I also added on the sell.... with a target of 1.3350 for now... further on as the situation develops...

waitra >>:

Ставлю продажу по своему прогнозу, посмотрим как пойдет

as they say God willing....
but I think it's a bit early.Most likely 1.3520 will still be tested, although I personally would not like to.......
Galina писал(а) >>

as they say God willing....
But I think it's too early. most likely 1.3520 will be tested, although I personally would not like.......

I will consider a turnaround, if the price will consolidate above 1.354, now I expect decline (may reach 1.35, it is not clear yet)
In my opinion, we should wait for America to decide everything.
Look at the pound what.... resistance takes off...
Galina >>:
На фунт посмотрите ка.... сопротивление снимает...

Galya, why are you so distrustful?))) Told you this morning.