GOLD in a couple of weeks >1000 ? - page 7


Past Historical London Fix - Current Year


It's funny: the pro traders (those are the people who trade in that exotic way that is called "real" in the MQL4 forum) of the whole world have been discussing nothing but gold for the last month or two. A lot depends on where the price of gold will go. It would be better to say, that the direction of gold price movement will show the development of many internal processes inside the global financial system, and will also show if the managers of hedge-funds realized, that they are fooled by Obama's gang. There are dozens of economic indicators and reasons for the price movement, insider and rare information will be thrown out, journalists are digging around too, U.S. senators demand an audit of the Fed, including the recalculation of gold at Fort Knox...... In short, the fuck (verbal) is bloody on the forums and in Congress.....

..... but in the MQL4 forum in the topic of gold - silence, as many as 10 posts from 2.5 people....... and personally I even provided links (bombs for any economist) from leading economists, pictures of gold accumulations found..... specifically to lure...... all to no avail....... all of them are "technicians" here, they are looking for the algorithmic grail...... they want to make the clockwork Pinocchio here, pointing to the price..... in short - almost all of them are Papa Carla's here.

"I'll leave you, you wicked ones" (C) folk humour.

Bid >> :

>> the subject of gold and conspiracies has been covered before you in other threads

This is daddy carlo bullshit, a simple search of the forum with "GOLD" and "in 2 months" yields nothing but this thread and the thread about where to get gold quotes.


..... а на форуме MQL4 в теме по золоту - тишина, аж десяток постов от 2,5 человек....... причём лично я даже вот линки (бомбы для любого экономиста) от ведущих экономистов привёл, картинки золотых скопищ красивые нашёл..... специально для заманухи...... всё без толку....... "технари" тут все, алгоритмический грааль они ищут ..... заводного Буратину тут хотят сделать, перстом указывающего на цену..... короче - папы Карлы тут почти все.

"Уйду я от вас, злые Вы" (С) народный юмор.

That's a good point. Everyone dreams of creating a winding cobbler, but I don't think that's possible.

And there has been a lot of controversy and hysteria around gold for decades.


Will I be on the plus side?

m_a_sim >> :

Will I be in the pluses?


Google: Results 1 - 10 of about 197,000,000 for "got gold?

AlexEro >> :


Google: Results 1 - 10 of about 197,000,000 for "got gold?


m_a_sim >> :


If 197 million people are asking each other if they have time to buy gold, there is very little, almost no chance that the price of gold will go down.

AlexEro >> :

If 197 million people are asking each other if they've had time to buy gold, there's very little, almost no chance that the price of gold will go down.

>> my indicators are screaming, sellaaaay.


The book of the prophet Haggai 2.8:

"8 My silver and my gold, says the Lord of hosts."