SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 154


It's just that earlier it was not necessary to stir up, and ban any rudiments of such, regardless of the age of the nickname and not dividing into their own and newcomers.

But you see how it looks. Earlier, some people get away with it, and some do not, and everyone is fine (except me of course), when one side is watering, and the other is not allowed to do so, and there was no outrage from those who watered.

And here, as soon as someone begins to respond to their idiocy in the same way, then immediately rises arrogance.


But here, as soon as someone starts to respond to their idiocy in the same way, there is a lot of arrogance.

To respond to idiocy, all you have to do is be one.

And no one gets away with it.


to respond to idiocy is enough to be one.

and no one gets away with anything.

thanks for the unobtrusive insult and yes, keep supporting this policy ...... keep and breed bears like rabbits......

Yosya, you're a prick... a pure prick.

You know it yourself.

Now everyone else knows it too.

You proved it to them.

You can be proud of yourself.

Keep kicking yourself.


What should I continue? What do I like?

In general, your response is clear. What's not clear is the rebuke.

I'm sorry you took my words as a rebuke to the moderators.

If I meant you, responding specifically to your post, I would have written so.

In this case I meant all of you (users, users, readers, and particularly zealous writers).


Yosya, you're a prick... a pure prick.

You know it yourself.

Now everyone else knows it too.

You proved it to them.

You can be proud of yourself.

Keep kicking yourself.

You take too much on yourself in your stupid judgments, and as practice has shown, they are petty and not objective. What makes you think I'm trying to prove anything to anyone?

I do not like it, and even if I'm the only one who doesn't like it, I won't put up with it and forgive farts in my direction like a mouse. of course I will respond (within reason while time allows or as desired, but of course no one is going to bust their ass over this little thing). i just sometimes find it very funny watching people who have spent most of their lives and established themselves in society start to stoop to these little things and levels, once they are slighted,

I don't have such complexes, or rather I nip them in the bud, so I'm just kidding around. although it may look like a thriller at times)).

A big round of applause!
A big round of applause!

so what's up with the poz?
google will help
Google it.

and after that you're talking about some kind of decency? no you poor bastard, you're the FOC.... life doesn't teach you anything...... you're still catching boomerangs in the back of your head......