SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 117

That "we" "know" is one thing. Now I would like to know if "he" knows that he has more than one nickname?
"You" can have as many as HUNDREDS of NICKS! (It's not forbidden in the first place). But when you get your tail pinched by a trident, be kind enough to explain yourself.
I don't understand about the trident at all... Are you physically threatening me?
This is not about you personally. If you think that everyone should live the way you do and enjoy the things you enjoy, you are wrong. Don't get personal.
Don't get personal.

Moderators, can you tell me what this unspoken ban on the creation of new topics by newcomers has to do with it? Is this a directive from the administration or someone's personal initiative?
There was no prohibition, there is no prohibition and there cannot be. On the other hand, how do you see the solution to the problem of "One fool will ask so many questions that even a thousand wise men cannot answer"?
Moderators, can you tell me what this unspoken ban on the creation of new topics by newcomers has to do with it? Is it the administration's orders or someone's personal initiative?
There is no ban, but if I see a new topic with a question like "How to get the highest and lowest price for yesterday, then move the question to the branch for newcomers, and close the topic. If the topic has already had time to grow, I leave it alone.

throwing dicks at him to make him walk like a hedgehog)

ZS: So far, this has worked, discouraging you from asking a lot of stupid questions and trying to figure it out for yourself

You can always do it, but the post is deleted.
Moderators, can you tell me what this unspoken ban on the creation of new topics by newcomers has to do with it? Is it the administration's orders or someone's personal initiative?
In the RULES Recommended, point 3 (See