SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 111


delete the bottom three posts

By the way, the shop is now up and running, so you can send all vendors there. to the shop

Let's not get too hot, we've limited ourselves to the last one. We'll check on the shop, I missed the start of the sale.
If the moderators don't mind, I'll raise the thread occasionally to keep it in sight of those who are suffering.


I request that user MetaDriver be banned

in accordance with paragraph 6 of the forum rules:

Неоднократные нарушения правил, игнорирование замечаний модератора, а тем более открытое неуважение к администрации данного ресурса влекут за собой блокировку доступа.

A specifically: Repeated violations of the rules.

Violation one: Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 3 of the rules have been violated.

Any use of foul language is prohibited.

Infringement: in a post from 17.03.2001 23:31 in the archive attached for review there are two obscene expressions (and one of them refers to a member of the forum):

MetaDriver 16.03.2011 01:50
edit | delete

1) I fuckin' hate his bullshit - he must have seen it for himself a long time // I mean Yusuf.

2) He's only dusting his eyes, zudila. I immediately made him a visual shift control - a vertical line (object).

Violation two: violation of paragraph 3 of the rules.

Prohibited any statements that may offend or insult other visitors.

Violation: in the post of 18.03.2011 03:51 in the text of the post (used abusive reference "half-wits" through a metaphor):

When there is nothing to object to the semantic essence, morons traditionally cling to syntax.

Go away, little man... :)

On the grounds of repeatedly violating rules 3, 4, I request that the author be banned for one month in accordance with paragraph 6.


Can I swap? Put me down.

Leave Volodya...

-Aleksey-: On the grounds of repeated violation of rules 3, 4, I ask that the author be banned for one month in accordance with paragraph 6.

Not convincing, sorry.
Not convincing, sorry.
OK, I take this precedent as a green light for similar behaviour. In particular, for insulting appeals through metaphors.
OK, I take this precedent as a green light for similar behaviour. In particular, for insulting references through metaphors.

As you wish, I won't discourage you.

P.S. Just in case, I remind you that the proverbial metaphor came after your own trolling of Vladimir.


As you wish, I won't discourage you.

P.S. Just in case, I remind you that the proverbial metaphor came after your own trolling of Vladimir.

Then I would also remind you that my post didn't just appear for nothing, but after the fact of foul language.
Go for it :)