SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 61

What did I say that was wrong?

what's right? expressed fantasies and dreams?? how do you know the dreams would have come true? expressed an attitude? - personal evaluations are the last thing on your mind... waving your fists in writing... hmm... imagine that in person, you will never see anyone... what's the point of imagining "what you would do" if it may never come true? Sabluk-Niroba met? why answer? - ready to pay for 'good deeds' if i have to...
DDFedor, can you delete posts from the codebase discussion?
DDFedor, can you delete posts from the codebase discussion?


I'm calling for a ban for the user - totally inadequate behaviour, and constant insults to other forum members, and in codebase too.


Banned for a month

what's right? fantasies and dreams? how do you know that dreams will come true? - personal evaluations are the last thing on earth... waving your fists in writing... hmm... imagine that in person, you will never see anyone... what's the point of imagining "what you would do" if it may never come true? Sabluk-Niroba met? why answer? - ready to pay for 'good deeds' if i have to...

Don't kill the hope in me, according to you all non real fantasies should not come true, a century ago who would have thought that you and I would communicate sitting in our house and yet not see each other. It would have seemed like a delusional fantasy then, yet it is there. So why did you think I would never meet him?

If a man wants to and believes in it, he can.

23 Have faith in God. For truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that it will come true according to his words, whatever he says will be done.

(c) New Testament


Banned for a month

Yeah. Too bad they didn't kill him in the beginning. Now we'll have to ask the administration. But it's gonna stink... It's all weekend, lots of time, and the shit in a man is getting worse.


Yeah, it's a shame they didn't kill it in the beginning. Now we'll have to ask the administration. But it's gonna stink... There's a whole weekend ahead, lots of time, and the shit in a man is getting worse.

"He" won't... If it "will", it's not "he"...

"He" won't... If "will", it's not "he"...

DDFedor, can't remember who, but yesterday brought up the issue of responding quickly to individual individuals and their substantive posts.

I think the principle of evaluating the adequacy of the writer should be formalised. We should not ban or tear down threads at once. All the same, it is not clear, and maybe on 3-4 pages of discussion to talk sense and stop the flow of his delusional or arrogant thoughts will succeed.

But if even on the 5th thread restless creature continues to rage, and even more - shitting in other threads and what is called trolling - then the reaction from your side - moderators - must be quick and timely. That is not to ask for more, it is already clear what it all comes down to. Get banned today or tomorrow, so why delay...

Just not to drag it out and not to cause a flurry of negativity and mutual insults without disturbing the harmony of the place :) It leaves a disgusting residue.

... In short, I personally do not like it when there is childish coddling and taking out resentment on others.


alas... there are options for subjective evaluation and pre-emptive strikes, but this is in the realm of "intuition". if we act "for sure", then the "pustule must "burst"... both methods have their pros and cons. for my part, i can say that there are "a very large number of factors" to consider in order to make a decision... the choice of method is "case by case" ... it's not always the "best" option, but there's nothing you can do about it. all I can say is that "trying to choose the best action" is always present.

Yes, actions are not always obvious. DDFedor rightly pointed out about pre-emptive strikes "on intuition". It often happens that experience and intuition tell you from the first post: "tear it down at once - it will be so-and-so". But you decide to wait and be patient until the situation becomes obvious.

Well, it turned out exactly as you foresaw at the beginning, after the first post. But it's a Pyrrhic victory: you get a stinging response from the public - for not reacting immediately.

But if I had done so immediately, I would have run the risk of being misunderstood (non-obvious) and, as a result, of being accused of hasty decisions and a tendency towards totalitarianism.

So it's a matter of two words on how to act correctly...