SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 67



After my "stumpy"...

Nothing's changed in my - "1 theory of relativity. ..."

It should have....



After my "bashing"-

Nothing has changed in the interpretation of my -" 1 theory of relativity. ..."

Should have....

What's supposed to change. If you need a ban, no problem. It doesn't take long. I deleted a bunch of your posts.


The candidate to the bathhouse. he is fed up with his attacks. and all the time to the same person. it looks like a prolonged quarrel between a married couple and the attacks of an offended woman. stupid and off-topic.

Dumb is not the right word. Quite the contrary. People aren't stupid.

Sveta's and Vadim's peculiar exchange of thoughts is seen by everyone... you read it like a script to another love serial :)

If you do not succeed, at least establish a taboo on responses to each other.


Am I to blame for the passenger's rudeness and nonsense?

Try to forgive someone's stupidity or nonsense.

If I, for example, am not interested in a person because of his intellectual deficiencies, I simply stop communicating with him, rather than start teasing him at every opportunity.



Who's the saint and righteous one here? Better still, try to forgive someone's stupidity or nonsense.

If I, for example, am not interested in a person because of their lack of intelligence, I simply stop communicating with them instead of making fun of them at every opportunity.

Ahead of you.


Balbesik" topic deleted as pointless.

Similarly, the topic "Let's propose I found the Grail...".


I was wrong. I repent.

I'll try again.