SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 55


The main idea of this thread is to sell the product, even if the author does not say what he is selling, but he does not lay out the code, in short, another grail (like "I created a grail, but I will not give it to anyone, I will sell it").

Seems to be removed from the subject. Removed not me.
Deleted. Reason - advertisement for a paid product with a nonrobust operating principle that could mislead the buyer.
Deleted. Reason - advertisement for a paid product with a nonrobust operating principle that could mislead the buyer.
Isn't the mere fact of advertising enough?
Isn't the mere fact of advertising enough?

The advertisement was not explicit. And frankly, it is quite difficult to determine from the start what is advertising and what is not.
This is sophisticated advertising - with aggravating factors.

Advertising (from Latin reclamare - "to affirm, to shout, to protest") - information disseminated by any means, in any form and by any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at attracting attention to the object of advertising, forming or maintaining interest in it and its promotion in the market.[1]


sanyooooook, thank you. Alas, the definition is like a crowbar, which is how you turn it, and that's how it goes.

Like you, we don't have a definition of advertising that would allow us to make unambiguous decisions in the context of the Rules of this forum.


sanyooooook, thank you. Alas, the definition is like a crowbar, which is how you turn it, and that's how it goes.

Like you, we don't have a definition of advertising that would allow us to make unambiguous decisions in the context of the Rules of this forum.

So we need to create a definition that fits within the context of this forum and everyone agrees with it.

sanyooooook, thank you. Alas, the definition is like a crowbar, which is how you turn it, and that's how it goes.

Like you, we don't have a definition of advertising that would allow us to make unambiguous decisions in the context of the Rules of this forum.

Once upon a time there was a clause in the rules forbidding the dissemination of information about selling EAs on the forum. Now there is only clause 5, ie.

5. Blatant advertising, spam and flooding are forbidden. Such posts are subject to deletion.

That is, in principle, implicit advertising is not prohibited. But the fact that a totally contentless thread was deleted, I don't think anyone was hurt.


Forum rules:

  1. На сайте запрещены любые формы открытого выяснения личных отношений между участниками. Подобные диалоги будут удаляться.
  2. Запрещены любые обсуждения любых банковских, брокерских и иных финансовых организаций. Подобные сообщения подлежат удалению.
  3. Запрещены любые высказывания, которые могут задеть или оскорбить других посетителей. Эти сообщения будут удалены.
  4. Запрещено любое использование нецензурных выражений. Подобные сообщения будут удалены.
  5. Запрещена явная реклама, cпам и флуд. Подобные сообщения подлежат удалению.
  6. Неоднократные нарушения правил, игнорирование замечаний модератора, а тем более открытое неуважение к администрации данного ресурса влекут за собой блокировку доступа.
  7. Администрация имеет право изменять правила, если сочтёт это необходимым.

It's just so I don't have to look it up again. Yura, thank you for pointing out a very interesting point concerning EAs' advertising.

Let's push for the highlighted to make clearer sense.

P.S. There were ads in this thread, but they were not very obvious (though they led us to the money).

However, it was all about the councillor specifically.

Nevertheless, the working principle of this particular Expert Advisor turned out to be not very reliable, to put it mildly. The author acknowledged it himself - thus he admitted that he was not ready to guarantee the operation of this product. So the demolition was quite logical.