SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 136


Too late. I deleted earlier

Isn't this an advertisement?

Уже нет...

Taki wants a moderator call button... :)


I want a moderator call button... :)

Yep, deleted.

COMBOSYSTEM20.01.2012 19:20


is the topic of the Universiade in Ukraine spam ?

or is the link to Geronimo's website, where information on this topic is spammy ?

the branch was opened today
The topic about the "stock exchange university in Ukraine" is an advertisement for the website of a notorious freeloader, and nothing more. so it was deleted, as were all the advertisement threads.
The thread about the "Stock Exchange Universiade in Ukraine" is an advertisement for the website of a notorious freeloader and nothing else.

I mean, if I now open a similar thread, but there is no link to the freeloader's website, but a link to the website of the Ukrainian exchange and the broker-organiser (who are not freeloaders), then the thread will not be deleted ?


How to inform the community about an event such as the Stock Exchange Universiade in Ukraine?

Or this forum is only for Russians?


I mean, if I now open a similar thread, but there is no link to the freeloader's website, but a link to the website of the Ukrainian exchange and the broker-organiser (who are not freeloaders), then the thread will not be deleted ?


How to inform the community about an event such as the Stock Exchange Universiade ?

When you registered on this forum, you probably read the rules.

Regarding advertising, the rules say unambiguously that advertising and spam are prohibited.

If you want to promote an event, you can buy a banner at the top.

If you want it for free, choose appropriate resources to place your links and information.