Specialised service for hosting automatic trading systems - page 20

RIV >>:

It's not clear to me at all:
1. Why the branch is still alive ( advertisement)

2. So much money to invest and do not even make a normal site (lit blue on the main page, and immediately blue in the menu ( reference), but the description is blue - but no jumps.) and why having such a cool service, keep the site on another hosting =)

And the fact that 1nchannel.... no way. 2 at least, otherwise the client himself does not connect. And it is not profitable for a grand rubles to invest in servers, with diesel under station especially in Moscow (will fly into a round sum ... ) =)

6) virtualisation technologies ... they use Virtuozzo ... I've written a lot about virtualisation systems including on this forum ... Virtuozzo is operating system level virtualisation ... i.e. involves a single level of system resource allocation across all virtual machines ...

What's the difference between them and your priority?

"* Priority controls the allocation of free CPU power to the machines." (c - from the website)

"We use SUB-Server technology ... this is hardware virtualisation technology, hypervisor as it is called ... i.e. virtualisation is done at the hardware level by creating a copy of all system resources such as CPU, memory etc. ... i.e. each machine has its own separate and complete set of all resources including a complete operating system ... and all resources and generally all of its machine occupies in full at startup ... and there is no dynamic reallocation of resources ..."

Yes and generally not a serious service, where is the location, itself in Kaluga, servers in Moscow, at least what is the address?

ԛINN q400303051005
q72.6q 72.2q 72.1
Such crap comes up if you just highlight it ))))) but it looks fine. look)) It's scary to think if such a site, what kind of service...

more like: buy - sell servos ... like affiliate. no more, on the big does not pull in any way. :(

P.s. SUB-Server - google does not see such technology at all ...

So, go ahead and fix the bloopers on the site...

RIV писал(а) >>

>> goldtrader

You don't care at all about the speed at which your terminals are running? ... just compare execution time on the service and on a physical server ... you'll see a big difference ... although everything works out slower ... but ours works out faster than on physical servers, which you could rent for a comparable fee ...

They have no security ... your entire machine is completely open in and out ... so you have to handle all security yourself ... so you get by just fine ... our machines are fully professionally hardware protected ... and no firewalls for the customer. ...

Quality of connection does not matter too ... neither pings nor path ... even the fact that across the ocean from another continent to reach the server in Moscow ... and we on the contrary, have customers from the same States that sell in Russia ... why we host them ... :)

On the backup I think you do not understand the topic ... the disk of your machine is backed up there standard means ... i.e. all that you have there is completely open to "Uncle Sam" ... this is a useful service for web sites i.e. something you have glitched or lost, and you ask to return it back ... even strange that after so many debates about safety and security of experts and trading systems, you just quite calmly lay out all openly to "Uncle Sam" ... ...

If you don't give a damn about all these issues and you just want it to work more stable ... I understand your main criterion of choice is the cheaper the better ...

We have a more secure and technologically advanced service ... not inferior to renting physical servers and in terms of security is unique and the only one at the moment ... Uncle Sam still growing and growing ...

1. I don't give a shit if start() function works in 2 or 20 µs, it has no effect, because it's 3 times less than ping time.

2. I don't trust any claims about hardware firewalls since I'm not versed in their intricacies. I install my own.

3. I back up myself once after installation and don't need this service. I have nothing to lose, even if whole disk on VPS server will be lost, I will restore it from my archive,

Only logs will be lost, but it's not critical for me.

4. On any VPS any data centre admin will steal whatever he wants - this is my premise. Am I wrong?

5. It's easy to judge the quality by the statements of interested parties. Price is not a major criteria for me when choosing VPS, but I don't see the point of paying more if I don't feel the benefits.


I think, that's the way majority of users, like me, renting VPS, think.


>> Panzer

Site is fine all running ... including all the gizmos he had, engine, DB, etc., all without issue ... as for design then my approach is this - the site should be as simple as possible, without useless bells and whistles ... ie do not plan to sink a lot into the site design ... better to spend on good hardware ... although contemplating over a design but this will be purely cosmetic changes ...

You seem to belong to the group of people who estimate the seriousness of the service for the beauty of pictures on the site ... I wonder how you have the same VpsLend site probably super and vbukhali in it normally ... but why is there a very simple and useful things like checking communication ... apparently the budget had gone all out on the design ... :) ...

And the site is hosted by us ... we don't need another hosting ... how do you see that there is a mystery ... :)

Naturally, we work under contract with the technical centre ... just like all other similar services ... and to build their own technical centre for such a problem is simply stupid ... prices would be incomparably higher then ... and registration, all the hardware is in Moscow but financially profitable in the area ... what is so surprising ... you obviously just did not create any of their projects ... interesting, you and brokers also interrogate that they sit in Moscow and registration where, for example, in Cyprus ... :)

Regarding communication the whole CityTelecom base is available to us ... i.e. we don't need to make any additional connections to providers ... :) ... and everything will work for us if at least 1 joint with other providers will work for CityTelecom ...

... on virtualization ... then there is no end of copies broken already ... many different articles and studies and all very contradictory ... technologies more or less known than 30 ... as they say - "every sandman praises his swamp" ... but the main criterion for choosing the base I had personal test check ... many things tried, retested and chose the most appropriate, in my opinion, to address this specific issue ... of course the basis itself Intel VT ... but the main advantage is that only processor power is distributed and not the same random access memory is passed back and forth between machines and that machines are really independent and have complete operating systems ... and that machine disks in operating system gives significant growth in machine productivity ... because of this much less machines are running on one server compared to competitors ... and many times less ... so the price is more than reasonable in this situation ...

Plus the security approach ... in terms of network the machine is fully protected by hardware firewall ... then the content of machines is private ... it's nowhere else ... everywhere universal services for hosting anything ... with backups and so on ... ...


Ping is a very important characteristic, especially if there is work via Market orders. If a broker's trading server is located, for example, in Los-Angeles, it is better to take a server there. Moreover, some FOREX brokers provide services of placing strategies directly on their Execution-server. Where your Market orders are placed first in the queue for execution, even before Limit orders.

The small Ping fee is sometimes incomparably less than the lost profit due to poor connectivity and poor execution of trade orders

RIV >>:

I'm just saying, if the guys claim to be a quality service... at least they wouldn't make bloopers on the website. I'm not talking about the design - I said on the attempts to copy information...

site - domain is tied to DNS nserver: ns10.hoster.ru. - nserver: ns11.hoster.ru. which, by the way, has hosting at the same price... which leads us to the conclusion that it's just an affiliate... i.e. a diesel station, not yours. It's the data centre's.

But after saying that: "Plus the security approach ... in terms of network the machine is completely closed by a hardware firewall ..." If the banks break ... I'll shut up about your "bunker". I'm not comparing their site to you - but you are, for some reason, you've been pointed out your FUCKS, and you immediately claim that the man is only looking at pictures ... With regard to virtualization, I do not care what you're there tried, I said that typing in the information in google - he does not know the technology. So it is not clear why tell tales of life that you are there that you tried that not (the link would give for decency). In general, in the top of the topic.


>> goldtrader

Ping from there is of course very big ... but it's not just about it but also the number of hosts on the route ... the fewer hosts on the route, the shorter the path the more stable connection ... in general I'm in favor of the shortest pings and the shortest path ... regardless of trading strategy and market ... even if you only have Forex and work on the day ...

Hardware firewall is a very important issue ... any unix as a firewall leaves the table ... the performance and level of protection ... our clients don't need any additional protection ... everything is fully protected ... the technical staff is calm ... not because i am 100% sure all people are infallible but because they have done it properly ... no way to steal ... if the client changed their password all the machine is locked ... and we only control the network activity that the client cannot harm our service and brokers servers ....д. ...

About backup you missed the point ... system reinstallation is an easy task for PPS ... same trading platform can always be downloaded ... i.e. all that is left is the additional software that the client uses himself and he stores it all quietly ... i.e. no need to make any trouble with backup ... and your service every other day making a copy of your disk with all the equipment ... i.e. all yours is available there in this copy ...

Well at least I do not refer you to the dummies exactly ... you can install and configure the same software firewall yourself, then normally you can submit an idea (this is already a certain level) ... i.e. it's interesting for me to communicate with you in terms of a conversation with a person who uses similar services as mine ... although in terms of demanding service, you seem to be one of the most unassuming customers ... i've heard and read a ton of different public service ... i can evaluate it ...

>> getch

you are absolutely right ... the lower the ping and path the more stable the connection and the less likely any losses due to the quality of the connection ... better to be placed close to the broker's server ....

It will be especially interesting when MT5 comes out, to connect and try to work with it on RTS and MICEX... and the importance of good connection is much higher there... i.e. with development the demand for connection quality is growing too... and now our clients using quote is very picky about connection and computers power...


What bloopers have you found there ... the indentation from the text via hidden characters, and not a separate column in the table ... it's ludicrous ...

We are not competing with tech centre ... there is a FreeBSDbased VPN for websites ... we have a different topic ...

you do not know the basic tech concepts ... we are not a domain name registrar and do not support DNS servers ... we are just like everyone else on the internet registering their domains with a registrar ... i.e. servers can stand anywhere and a registrar with DNS support sit anywhere ... this is how the internet works ... everyone does ... :)

It's even funny that you have to explain such elementary things to a person who still pretends to appreciate a much more technically complex project...


RIV, Once again, for the particularly gifted, see the questions above ( google doesn't know... give me a link to your technology... google has no idea). Enough with the pinging and the ass-whupping. As far as the site's concerned, the layout's still a little rusty. + If you get hacked, the server will go down very quickly with all the clients. Next - try tchotchu do with the computer at which only one port is open and that under the MT )))) and in addition, try to register a domain - and then move to another host without changing DNS (if you say that we are not registrars and again will chew your snot - I'll tell you directly where you go). I'm sick of it. You were asked - you're fooling around... like a girl on her first night, for God's sake.


And I liked how the hero of the thread (RIV) ignored direct questions from the panel about the topic of his dissertation and references to his "foreign printed works". Indicative.


RIV писал(а) >>

On virtualization ... then there is a lot of broken copies already ... a lot of different articles and studies and all very contradictory ... technologies more or less known more than 30 ... as they say - "every sandman praises his swamp" ... but the main criterion for choosing the base I had to check personal test ... many things tried, retested and chose the most suitable, in my opinion, to solve this particular problem ... of course at the heart of Intel VT ...

Just don't make a load of crap. Intel VT can be run only under Intel Xeon or Itanium stones . You have Xeon only on the most expensive tariff. So, the most suitable in your opinion virtualization technology is not suitable for tariff table on your site.

You have been told in clear Russian that if you want to lure customers, edit your website and make up fairy tales there, instead of making a load of crap here in matters in which you do not understand.


The roaring kolobok is the RIV and the kolobok on the bike is the mql4.com forum.