Specialised service for hosting automatic trading systems - page 13

RIV >> :

I see what you want from the service... I'm just looking at it from a different angle...

))))))) "A little" is an understatement.) I think the man needs to hire an image maker. Otherwise it's a disaster for the service :)

RIV >> :
>> beginner

I understand what you need from the service ... I just look at it from a different angle ... because stability and connectivity is more dependent on physical environment and amount of money invested in hardware ... i.e. this problem is easier than the problem of power and network security in the pps ... and I position my service as something in between renting a dedicated server and regular pps ... i.e. you have the weakest of our machines in the test and I am curious how you would rate it on capacity ... then looked at the network, i.e. would you see there at least one not your connection ...

As your potential customer I'm not interested in stability and connectivity, the main thing is to have it, about security: the main danger is you, as far as I understand, what guarantee that you won't have access to my data ... I am setting up a couple more terminals, but the test ends today.

>> gip
My opinion on communication is that the lower the ping, the shorter the path, the fewer hosts on the path and they are normal hardware and not Unix... the better and more stable the communication...

By sharpening I mean the principle on which to choose the place to place the equipment... i.e.i... If I had a project in which I would, for example, would give people something to download from the service and would focus on the entire country, then I would have settled on M9 or in Stack ... and I have important outbound access to the server brokers, most of whom are in Moscow ... i.e.I chose a provider who has the largest, or at least one of the largest networks in Moscow and a large peer-to-peer portfolio ...

Why do I need to fiddle with this trace, there is no point ... and the project has a tolerant policy towards brokers ... ie. I just give you the listing service and what broker and how the client chooses is of no importance to me ... I let the client connect to any broker ...

As for providers and pings, not everything is as rosy as we wanted ... many providers even prohibit pings in their networks ... It even happens that you as a customer provider will not even be allowed to ping your gateway ... alas, but it exists in Moscow to this day ...

>> beginner
For security, I've already explained in more than detail ... as for the most dangerous, in my view is to completely isolate customers from each other ... the biggest risk ...

As for me personally, the reputational cost would be much higher for me as the investor and owner of the project than the unrealistic idea that stealing an unknown expert from an unknown client with unknown performance, that I can make money on it ... This is ridiculous ... especially since I have a successful experience of my own in this area ...

And I've already written, I am just not interested in your experts ... and I did not even look at them even if you yourself would send them to me in clear code ... and even with an advertising booklet ...... and even with an advertising booklet ... I just do not need it at all and I will not waste my time ...
RIV >> :

What is the average ping to "paper" brokers ? >> Ping to MICEX to RTS. >> ( just curious ).

RIV >>:
... а у меня важен исходящий выход на сервера брокеров, которые в большинстве своём стоят в Москве

Wha!? (с)

Maybe it's the other way round, huh?

From the MT servers I know for sure that the RF banks, and they, as you know, one or two of them, have run out,

which is not like all MT servers, but let's say purely "Russian", zero point eight thousandths %...



Maybe you don't know something, maybe the evil Americans drove them all out of Taiwan, they are not allowed into Mesquica, Honduras and Bolivia, so they have opened underground in Moscow, as the freest country with no laws?

You see, a person is not interested in profitable advisors at all, now hosting is more profitable than the most successful forex trading...



Actually, this hosting owner is being very vague. He has some MT servers updated on weekends, what kind of servers if he is not a DC?

The owner has long had a successful experience in this area (auto-trading), but he does business on hosting terminals and at the same time he does not need the clients' experts for nothing.

He tries to sell some program as a super-protection, but can not adequately explain why he does not want to organize protection by internal means or products of famous vendors.

He is a hosting Provider, supposedly able to write his own firewall, but at the same time he is obviously lame in technical matters and provider.

He either wants to steal Expert Advisors or make money by copying trades or maybe he has invented some other way.

Of course, it may not be true, but such suspicions arise.

I don't know the addresses of Aton's servers, but we can assume that one of the access points will be on the same provider as their site, then we have:




You can see all other addresses you are interested in ... there is a special section on the site called "Connection Check" ... ... there you will get exactly the same trace as any of our clients from their machines ...

If you are interested in placing any other software not listed as "Allowed Software" where only Metatrader is the most common for me, then you can write a letter to the technical support with a description of what you need and they will deal with you ... i.e. they will allocate a suitable machine to your request and give you a chance to set up and try everything there ... including opening the necessary outbound access ... but ... will they deal with you or not ... it's up to them to decide ... this issue I left up to them, because they receive many letters at the level of "why what? ... and if you are happy with it then you just stay with the car, pay and everything is done as usual ...
>> kombat
You are making a big mistake, both in terms of interest and banks ...

Everything has to be understood in context ... i.e. All you need to understand the context ... So you need to look at what audience the project is aimed at ... for me this is Russia and the former Soviet Union + it also includes our former customers, for example from the States, where the tax is huge and it is profitable to work with our DC ...

Then there is another very important point, which you probably have not noticed ... over the past year the screws have tightened very much in different countries and offshore ... Moreover, many popular and simple forms of legal broker organization simply did not exist, the same offshore scheme ... i.e., many brokers now have to retool ... and the banks are not there anymore.i.e. many brokers now have to retool their legal business scheme ... and one of the easiest and most accessible forms is just to work from our Russian bank, which already has all the licenses etc... ... and this process is only gaining momentum and will continue to evolve ...

>> gip
I have been earning from trading for a long time and much more than this project brings, and it is unlikely that it will ever be able to overtake trading in terms of revenues ...
>> gip
Look at the site ... where did you see that it says something about MT or brokerage servers ... no it's just there and won't be, you ripped the phrase out of the forum ... maybe you may think it's amazing that I may have other projects and I, for example, may just serve trading servers of a brokerage simply under contract ... this is your problem ...

And I am absolutely convinced that my level and experience is at least one level higher than yours ... and I am absolutely not interested in trying something here with you ... I have another problem ... to properly communicate to people that there is an interesting new project with lots of benefits and clearly different from what is on the market ... and hardly anyone will reproach me that I did not describe it enough ... as I give out here no one ever gave out, at least I have not seen anywhere else who created a service like this bothered to work with people ... and of course the fact that I do not plan to reveal all the details ......

Concerning the program for additional control of the workplace ... I will tell you so ... that even if to remove from this program all useful functions that it has and leave only one function of monitoring of communication i.e. that in technical department it is easy and simple in one list were visible all machines that work and on which it is clear that they all have all normal and all segments of a network functioning normally etc.

This program - requirement of our service ... if you it ... as they say goodbye ... no one forced, make your own choice ... you can go and rent a server or go to a remote desktop which are many in the Internet and at a price much lower than mine ... and there you will not have any control ...