Specialised service for hosting automatic trading systems - page 16

RIV >> :
>> Globe.
What are you apologizing to ... who else ... just looked at his info and it says ...

"Hip, project management, software design. I work in partnership with investors."

What's up ... project engineer even the main one is middle level in the company ... at least not a courier ... "design of software products" ... deals with how to arrange the buttons in the program or works on pictures or does the design of the box, maybe all together ... Well, also a useful job and maybe he knows it and does it well ... no way to check it ... but has very little to do with hosting and servers ... at best he was just a customer somewhere ...

Yeah, you don't even seem to have heard of UI design, functional design, structural design etc. Software product design is a bit different from what you assumed, and you thought about PP interface design. For a Ph.D. candidate, that's quite forgivable. We have even worse doctors. And the fact that programming "has very little to do with hosting and servers" is very surprising. You guys are gonna be amazed.

Here you are saying that YOUR FAREVOL program is mandatory on your hosting. May I ask why it's yours? You don't seem to know a thing about programming. And the ownership of the program can not be assigned once it was written by another person. Although I do not expect an answer from you, you must have forgotten how to answer questions after getting your master's degree.

Next ... "I work in partnership with investors" ... Now this is more interesting and I think the root of his irritation is here ... because it's unlikely that the middle link in the campaign has any interest in the business ... usually not ... at best, if he gets a percentage, it's not of the business, but of the bone that he decided to throw ... He may not even be aware of it ... He screwed up when he found out who does what ... and it may well turn out that many of those public sector workers he screwed over actually earned more than he did ...

To hell with the gip ... not an interesting topic for me ...
Yes, yes, yes, 233 words 1078 characters stream of delirium on an uninteresting topic :)))
As for accusations of stealing advisors ... First of all, none of those who shouted about it had never been my clients ... I do not have any former clients yet, all who were there normally ... of course, even a hint of any kind of evidence they have and can not be ...
And I don't have an ex-squirrel. I don't have a squirrel at all. Which in no way proves or disproves the accusations of stealing councillors. Nor does your lack of former clients.
Further ... I have already written a lot about security and so on ... but as you can see ... talk about it tried to do the same thing. ... but as you can see the conversation is trying to lead either to a quibble over words or to a discussion of my personality ... and they just sit there like naked nicks, and sometimes even multiples ...

But here again, a sane person can understand that if I openly on my own behalf to represent the project, and with all the details ... then the likelihood of a setup is much lower than if this service would have some kind of LLC "Horns and Spurs" where you know neither the founders nor the charter ... and in general you do not know who is behind this LLC and liability is limited ... then the same IE has a number of advantages compared to legal entities, especially in providing services to individuals for small amounts, which I use ... and my company for this project is very small, as I provide just one point service, not hosting "everything for everything" ...

Yes, yes, yes, if you're a PE, the likelihood of being set up is of course much less than if you were an LLC (that's the sole reason PE people work in markets). I believe ...

Then ... on the site I give the "engine" of a real EA, which for the same beginner is manna from heaven - a ready normal level ... and if you choose wisely the tool, period and parameters of the EA and the simple function that I gave there, then you can quite quickly jump to a stable operation at around 0 ... this shows that I try to develop the auto-trading market itself, i.e. more market more clients ...

Yes, yes, yes. Newbies are exclusively on 4000rp hosts. For them, of course, your EA is manna from heaven, and you are God himself, especially if they are able to achieve zero results. I believe ...

I don't think so ... but if you remember Metakvot when they just started and had FX Charts ... how much dirt was poured out ... so what, now many of those who barked at their mouths, now love them to tears ... of course, there will always be those who hate, no way in business ... so it takes time and I understand that even my small project too must go the same way ...

Yes, yes, yes, it is very interesting to read your stream of consciousness, write again ...

what hit ... :) ... and all I did was move the magnifying glass a little... :)

It's like you've been switched. Where's the stream of unformatted consciousness? Have you dried up? I don't believe it.

P.S. Where did you put the magnifying glass?

PPS But why do I ask questions, you're deaf and do not answer them.

If you knew about the history of this programme and metaquotes in general... the other day, i had to tell you, i told you, i'm not going to tell you anything. you're not going to tell me what to do and i'll tell you what to do. p.s. Renat, if you read this thread, greetings from Vladimir Karpenkov. A fiery one.

>> Gans-de-Glucker.

Naturally my project is incomparably smaller ... Although to make even such a small service is a lot of work ... It seems like a simple task only from the outside, and the result was not just a "dead piece of computer" ... in case you didn't get it, the basic idea was that Metakvot go ahead no matter what and this position is in my heart ... I don't think you know anything about how and why I ended up with Alpari ... and hardly anyone knows ... I don't think so, and it's unlikely that any of the sensible people at Alpari would want to raise this issue, I myself got past it a long time ago, I think it's similar there ...

Let me explain a little bit about the price that so many people are picking on ...

The price of 4000 rubles per month is the most expensive price for the most powerful machine we have. It's clear that a newbie isn't interested in such a price and only those who really need it will pay it.

Give an example of a real client ... he rented somewhere on the M9 dedicated server... 2 core ... of course with 1PU and without raid ... paid something like 6500 per month ...

But ... however, he was dissatisfied with some things ... he was working with matrices and triggering conditions in his Expert Advisor ran a serious calculation in an external dll, the results of which the expert must make decisions ... so the speed of the calculation it was not satisfied ... then he got more tired of software firewall, which there is no surprise ...

In general, he sent me a sheet describing what and how it is, what we need and would like ... I did not deeply involved, but just gave him a test-drive at Pro rate on a 12-core ... After 4 hours, he registered and paid for accommodation ...

And nothing surprising here ... he and his matrices of unknown order on disk ... and we have the whole machine, along with the drive is located in the main computer ... i.e. really a specific advantage ... and yet ... his machine has a high priority and at the moment his task is processed not by 2 cores but 12 cores! ... and its calculation, judging by pikes on the load on the proces, our machine takes 2-3 seconds and loads the server while 12-14% of the power of all the CPUs ... and for us it is not terrible, as in a quiet mode, all the machines together, with our organization of configuration, loaded the server no more than 50% ... and peaks in loading machines do not usually occur simultaneously ....

Moreover ... he's got a fully protected machine with hardware and there is no need to bother with software firewall ... no "left" package he just will not see on his machine ... and still sitting on a professional server with 2 hot swap power supplies and excellent raid ... and with communications not worse than on M9 and sometimes even better ...

So that's the kind of pie we have with the most expensive price ... and I think it's more than justified ... and it's lower than renting a more or less normal server in a place with more or less decent connectivity ...

RIV писал(а) >>

Но … при этом он был недоволен некоторыми вещами … у него работа с матрицами и при срабатывании условий в его эксперте запускался серьезный расчет во внешней длл по результатам которого эксперт должен принимать решения … т.е. скорость этого расчета его не устраивала … потом его еще достал софтовый фаревол, что там совсем неудивительно …

Stupid clown, you should at least study the subject before trying to sell it to the peeple.

He was not satisfied with the speed :)))

Globe >> :

I'm not an expert in hardware or network security and it's not my place to pass judgement on the suitability of RIV.

You don't need to read the Globe after that. Doesn't understand anything, but he's judging, yes.

gip >> :

All right, forget it.

You've said a lot about safety, but you still haven't seen the elephant. I'll keep it simple:

The man makes money by trading. Now take three guesses, why he needs the service hosting external EAs?

And for this case, his friends and acquaintances have allocated him a hermetic zone with equipment.

It's all so trivial. Ruslan's a big-time liar. He doesn't make any money on the trade. The man who claims 9 transactions in 58ms has obviously never seen a real account. =)

Well, maybe he's considering stealing someone else's advisers too. Five old ladies -- a rouble.

Gans-deGlucker >> :
>> Ruslan, with his attempts to sell a dead piece of PC for big money, you'd think he was a nice boy who got kicked out of Alpari.

О! It was, wasn't it?! I suspected so, but did not know for sure. It was Ruslan who had made that glitchy archive of quotes on the Alpari site and they dragged and dragged that suitcase without a handle and then threw it away, didn`t they?

ps Where can I read the history of FX charts? =)