You must always set the right purpose/question for the study - page 5

sab1uk >> :

but nevertheless the market lives up to its bad habits

the market was sluggish this morning, waited for Trichet, waited and got a boost (with a coffee enema)

Well, no one promised a flat, they meant refraining from decisions in the economy which could strongly affect the currency market

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

There. A well-formulated question.

But to know the dots, you have to know what the dots are.

Pivot points are those moments in time (or countdowns, if you like) when price reverses and goes in the opposite direction by XX pips.

However, if you want to know what a pivot point is, you're making a clown out of it.

If you have something to say - speak up, don't be shy. We're not animals here.

If you don't have anything to say and this entire thread is just for puffing up your cheeks asking kind of "leading" questions, fine, have fun. Just delete the post where you immediately call everyone a dirty word. It's cheap. Even if you really had merit in forex, that's no reason to stick out your lower lip in such a rude manner.


I personally don't want anything from you. Including successes. Your application in this thread was a bit too ambitious. So I wondered if there really was something behind it. So I clearly answered your question. And even answered the next one, which wasn't quite right. And as a result. Had the good fortune to see the author, fat spit, quickly molt. I guess there really is nothing but a peck in the pocket.

sab1uk >> :
I have such a clear question - S, who would you like to make fun of today for a change?


Swetten >> :

>> please look in your personal.

What about me?

And me.

And that's after everything we've been through.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

It's determinate.

Is this a generalisation you are extending to the market?

No graphics. :) Because there's no time. :)) It's just a countdown.

The fact that there's no time is clinical, imho.

Yurixx писал(а) >>

Pivot points are those moments in time (or countdowns, if you like) when price reverses and goes in the opposite direction by XX pips.

However, if you want to know what a pivot point is, you're making a clown out of it.

If you have something to say, say it, don't be shy. We're not animals here.

If you don't have anything to say and this entire thread is just for puffing up your cheeks asking kind of "leading" questions, fine, have fun. Just delete the post where you immediately call everyone a dirty word. It's cheap. Even if you really had merit in forex, that's no reason to stick out your lower lip in such a rude manner.


I personally don't want anything from you. Including successes. Your application in this thread was a bit too ambitious. So I wondered if there really was something behind it. So I clearly answered your question. And even answered the next one, which wasn't quite right. And as a result. Had the good fortune to see the author, fat spit, quickly molt. I guess there really is only a kook in his pocket.

A point is something that has ( damn ) two coordinates in two-dimensional (or three in three-dimensional). :)

One coordinate is time and the second one is price. Do you want a point?


Yurixx писал(а) >>

I don't want anything from you personally. That includes success.

That's very clear.


That's your definition. It refers to a point in general. I could add another 15 definitions to it. But it's all beside the point.

I'm not interested in the point, I'm interested in the . It's not two words, it's one. And I defined it in the first line of my answer.

What shall we discuss? Dots? Or pivot points?

Maybe we shouldn't go off-topic. Unless, of course, there is something to discuss.

Yurixx писал(а) >>

That's your definition. It refers to a point in general. I could add another 15 definitions to it. But it's all beside the point.

I'm not interested in the point, I'm interested in the pivot point. It's not two words, it's one. And I defined it in the first line of my answer.

What shall we discuss? Dots? Or pivot points?

Maybe we shouldn't go off-topic. Unless, of course, there's something to discuss.

A point is a very basic concept. And there are no 15 definitions. Are you looking for a point? Or are you?

SProgrammer >> :

Are you looking for a point? >> Or maybe not?

we morons are looking for the closing price of the stock exchange