The second sacred cow: "Grow profits, cut losses" - page 14


The cow is a useful animal. I only know of a man who cut losses and got away with it.

But he did not grow profits.


The cow is a useful animal. I only know of a man who cut his losses and got away with it.

But he did not grow profits.

If you grow beef, you'll make a profit.

I only know of a man who was cutting losses and leaked.

But he was not growing profits.

It seems to me that the profits need to be commensurate with the losses, at least to exceed them several times over.

It seems to me that the profits should be commensurate with the losses, or at least exceed them several times over.
The most sustainable systems are those where the average profit is roughly equal to the average loss.
The most sustainable systems are those where the average profit is roughly equal to the average loss.

From personal experience? Or mathematically proven?

The spider is being a little deceptive here ;)))))) ---- he means a horizontal line steady -- if it deviates from it -- either up or down -- it's unstable according to the spider



The spider is being a little deceptive here ;)))))) ---- he means a horizontal line steady -- if it deviates from it -- either up or down -- it's unstable according to the spider


You are talking nonsense, sir. The line is not horizontal, but slanted at 45 degrees.
You're not making any sense, sir. The line is not horizontal, but slanted at 45 degrees.

60 is overkill

45 - normal

30 - shortfall



To the point.

How about a rephrase? - OK. - Better to be healthy but rich.

Sacred. Who's to say...

But why the second one? There's all kinds. There are three. Tenths...


Only why the second one? There are different ones. The third one's over there. Tenths...

Alexei isn't posting them quickly. Only two in stock so far.