The second sacred cow: "Grow profits, cut losses" - page 18


There is no such cow. The TC answers two questions - when to enter and when to leave. This cow has it written on her forehead that she has already entered and is now meditating on the question of exit.

"Cut the losses" - obviously, when a certain loss is reached, one should exit.

But what's so disturbing is how this horny cage of ryazhenka and sour cream is going to grow profits. There is a purely beefy approach, with hay and time on the input and stew on the output.

If you decide when to come out, the only question left is when to come in.

This makes the process of making ryazhenka, ayran and yoghurt much easier.


Once you've decided when to go out, the only question left is when to go in.

This makes the process of making ryazhenka, ayran and yoghurt much easier.

IF and THERE IS NO RESPONSE, i.e. no answer yet .

To sausage her. No, milk her first and then sausage her.


stop fucking around))) Do you have anything new to say on the subject, rather than complaining about the poor knowledge of your interlocutors and exquisitely picking on the stylistics? Can you keep it short and to the point? :)
Yes, I can. Period.
I can. Period.

I don't believe it. :)

IF AND THERE IS NO RESPONSE, i.e. no answer yet .

I don't understand shit.

There is a target, there is a stop. All that's left is to find when to open. That's easy.


I don't believe it. :)

I agree zt needs proof tchk tskl sign

Io ti prego! What do you want to hear?

Or rather, not that. What can I say that's new? It's all been covered. About 2x2, too, by the way.


I don't understand shit.

There is a target, there is a stop. All that's left is to find when to open. That's easy.

When did Burenka become a target? Growing profits isn't a goal. It's a slogan.

Io ti prego! What do you want to hear?

Or rather, not that. What can I say that's new? It's all covered. About 2x2, too, by the way.

2x2=5, well, everyone knows that.

2x2=5, well, everyone knows that.
Of course they do. So what's the big deal?