First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 38

Gun >>:

Стоп в бу?


Magnatis >>:

Т.е. вас можно поздравить? :) Коли можете без экстрима удваивать за неделю – это хороший успех. И не слушайте нищебродов, радующихся каким-нибудь 30% в месяц :)

Shall we swap without looking? ;)


Everything came together: the mention of the sacred cow in the header, and the last dozen pages... Anyway, it came to mind, and I found this fragment from Schweik:

"His howls caused the clerk and the cook utter confusion, and in the end they dragged this dead animal, which any animalist would be disgusted with, to the field kitchen. Long afterwards, when he had the money in his pocket, the Jew cried that he had been finally ruined and annihilated, that he had robbed himself by selling such a splendid cow cheap. He begged to be hanged for having done such a foolish thing in his old age that would make his forefathers turn over in their coffins."

Svinozavr >>:

Все сошлось: и упоминание священной коровы в хэдере сабжа, и последний десяток страниц... Короче, вспомнилось, и нашел я этот фрагмент из Швейка:

"Его завывания привели писаря и повара в совершенное замешательство, и в конце концов они потащили эту дохлятину, которой погнушался бы любой живодер, к полевой кухне. Еще долго после этого, когда уже деньги были у него в кармане, еврей плакал, что его окончательно погубили, уничтожили, что он сам себя ограбил, продав задешево такую великолепную корову. Он умолял повесить его за то, что на старости лет сделал такую глупость, из-за которой его праотцы перевернутся в гробу."

:)))) I adore it, I read it for the first time when I was 14 :))

ChachaGames >>:

Махнемся неглядя? ;)

Thank you, I have no desire :)


Yes, this cow got me somewhere, I'll tell you what else in addition

First of all we have to decide how to enter the market. To do this, two pending buy and sell orders
are placed equidistant from the current price.
After the order triggering, there is a probability of price reversal, so the triggered order can become unprofitable. To cover this, a new pending order is placed at the price of the order that did not trigger, but with a larger lot. There are two options:
First: when one of the start orders triggers, the price keeps moving in the previous direction, we get a profit and all orders are closed.
The second one: a reversal happens, an order with a larger lot triggers, profit is attained and the series is closed.
Since such reversals can occur more than once within the series. Each time, we should place pending insurance orders with a larger lot.

And all this should be done on a system of mutual closing of orders.


That's it, the storm has passed, I hope. Now, hopefully, we can get back to the topic of the thread, i.e. what has been talked about more or less without deviation since the beginning?

ChachaGames and Magnatis, I recommend you switch to communicating via private, as what you've spewed here in the last couple of days is off-topic for the topic.

Once again I remind you, but very briefly:

Итак, три понятия: "тренд", "начался", "продолжился". Как вы их понимаете в контексте темы ветки?

The highlighted in blue is exactly what I'm waiting for answers to. The question seems so simple and trivial that no clear answers seem to be forthcoming :)

baltik писал(а) >>

Yes, this cow got me somewhere, I'll tell you what else in addition

First of all we have to decide how to enter the market. To do this, two pending buy and sell orders are placed equidistant from the current price
When the order triggers, there is a probability of price reversal, so the triggered order may become unprofitable. To cover this, a new pending order is placed at the price of the initial order that did not trigger, but with a larger lot. There are two variants:
First: when one of the start orders triggers, price keeps moving in the same direction, profit is attained and all orders are closed.
Second: a reversal happens, an order with a larger lot triggers, profit is attained and the series is closed.
Since such reversals can occur more than once within the series, they can be repeated. Each time, we will place pending rescue orders with a larger lot.

This all should be done on a system of mutual closing of orders.

Your ideas are nice.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

ChachaGames and Magnatis, I recommend you switch to communicating via private, as what you've spewed here in the last couple of days is off-topic for the topic.

It would be a shame to miss the continuation of the topic of the last few pages! If not in this thread, please ChachaGames and Magnatis, create a new one - I hope I'm not the only one interested. Reading and interesting thoughts come to mind...

newbie_d >>:

Было бы досадно упустить продолжение темы последних страниц! Если не в этой ветке, то, плиз, ChachaGames и Magnatis, создайте новую - надеюсь, не одному мне интересно. Читаю и интересные мысли приходят...

Yes I agree there is some salt in it, I've read their posts, it feels like people really know something about it!