First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 69

Vita, well, there is catastrophe theory - quite mathematical. There's no mention of death and irreversibility, the diphurcs are there.
OK, let's call a trend a phase transition. A phase transition is a restructuring of the system.
Mathemat >>:
Vita, ну есть же теория катастроф - вполне математическая. Нет там ни слова о смерти и необратимости, дифурки там.
Хорошо, давай называть тренд фазовым переходом. Фазовый переход - это перестройка структуры системы.

I don't care, I would like to get to the bottom of what you mean by catastrophe in your definition? Diffurcas says that something was changing smoothly, "no trouble foretold", but a qualitative change has taken place. What kind of change? What structural restructuring of the system? A massive correlated movement relative to the currency?

And I'm just building a mataparatus that corresponds to the essence of the phenomenon.
Vita, look. Up to a certain moment there was a flattening of one currency against all the others. I.e. to some it was rising, to some it was falling, and to some it was just standing - and all this equilibrium was dynamic, i.e. not static. It was the usual wide flat, on which the pipsarians were making their money. And then suddenly everything changed: this currency suddenly started to move purposefully towards all the others in the same direction. Doesn't that sound like a phase transition of the system to another state?
probeGal >>:

Я давно тут под разными никами и всё не мог понять,

Two or three more nicknames and the golden key is in your pocket
Mathemat писал(а) >>
And I'm just constructing a mataparatus that corresponds to the essence of the phenomenon.
Vita, look. Up to a certain point there was a flattening of one currency against all the others. I.e. to some it went up, to some it went down, and to some it just stood still - and all this equilibrium was dynamic, i.e. not static. It was the usual wide flat, on which the pipsarians were making their money. And then suddenly everything changed: this currency suddenly started moving purposefully towards all the others in the same direction. Doesn't that sound like a phase transition of the system to another state?

"started a purposeful movement" from which it is logical to assume that the system also has a purpose

TheVilkas >>:

"начала целенаправленное движение" из этого логично предположить и наличие цели у системы

What is the logic behind this assumption?
Thank you, probeGal. I don't have any questions, others do.
probeGal >>:

Миха, ты меня совсем недавно есчё из себя выводил, каюсь что вёлся на твои выходки. Ты мне ответь, а можешь и как риторический вопрос это оставить, ты не устал быть пустым местом? Я же вижу, что ты бывает хочешь включится в разговор со стоящим советом, но твоя надменность не позволяет тебе родить умную мысль.

Being myself isn't tired.
and that's the good thing, you don't have to change your nicknames all the time.
now a question for you, tell me some of your nicknames

and the existence of a goal implies the existence of a meaning in the movement.
There can be many meanings as states of the system to which it aspires,
and it can be infinite;
By assigning a symbol to each element, we're interested in the probability
of one trajectory changing into another and we get Symbolic Dynamics:

The shifts can be understood as the movement start point and its end point in a formal sense too,
e.g. opening and closing price, and the longer the time interval between the two, the more unpredictable the move will be and the longer the time interval between the two will be.
between these points, the more unpredictable the system behaves.


if we graph the prices Y(Open) and X(Close) we obtain the phase space
of the system, i.e. Open is an input, and Close is an output, which lags behind the input
by TF(1,5,15,30...) thus it is necessary to figure out the parameters of the system
which transforms input into output :)
And in order to find out where the system has moved, it is necessary to recognize the transition from
from one trajectory-state to another trajectory-state.
It's simple. :)))