First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 73

probeGal писал(а) >>

No, wait, I was communicating with another person, you showed your interest in settling the matter, I asked you the information I needed that would reassure me - and you say, what's the purpose?? I'm interested in the heroes of this story - that's... always liked heroic deeds))

Fellow countryman, you do not need to be a hero to answer the post of 10.03.2010 00:30, ... I did not hurt you, but merely expressed my opinion on the "subjunctions", you went to the individual ... you don't need this info, i'm not hiding, i'm always ready... i'm no hero, even though i've defended and saved people a few times... here's more about that :)

probeGal писал(а) >>
Do you see me as an enemy or something?

I suggest we clear the thread of our presence.

Guys, would you stop it already? You're not trolls...
I took another look at Alexey's topic and it occurred to me.
If you define a trend as a continuation of the causes that generated the movement expressed in price movement (waves/corrs, averages... whatever here), then
the trend will continue and will continue until a cause cancels (overrides, overpowers) the previous cause.
That is, the trend continues (remains the same) until proven otherwise.
Indeed, after a wave in the direction of the trend, a consolidation has occurred (let's assume). One cannot say that the movement has dried up and the cause which gave rise to it has lost its relevance. Neither is it possible to say that the reason is still valid. It can still continue. I.e. with all other things being equal it is possible to make an assumption that the trend remains the same - why not? After all, there is no movement (with its own cause) that sets a new trend yet. So why bother inventing new entities without any basis for that?
So - yes, the trend (as an action of causes, expressed in the behaviour of prices) - will continue. Until something else starts.
Ha! Maybe even in the same direction.))) But it will already be a different (morphological) trend.
Svinozavr >>:
Если определить тренд как продолжение действия причин, породивших движение, выраженное в движении цен (волны/корр., усредненные... не важно здесь), то
тренд будет продолжаться и будет продолжаться до тех пор, пока не появится причина, отменяющая (перебивающая, пересиливающая) предыдущую.
Т.е. тренд продолжается (остается прежним), пока не доказано обратное.
Yeah, I'm thinking along the same lines. The entry point is easy to find - by the self-organisation of the system.
The hardest part is the exit point. But to exit at the start of an anti-trend is also not good.
Basically, it is possible to find the variant "not always in the market", i.e. to exit for the reason that is not symmetrical to the entry reason. Then the paper profit loss will probably be less.

What does trend in forex mean to you?
Thank you.
P.S. Sorry if you have already answered this question and I didn't notice.
Yes, replied: That's my big post there. But that's just my point of view.
Mathemat >>:
Да, ответил: Там мой большой пост. Но это просто моя точка зрения.
Thanks, got it.
I will allow myself one more question. For the whole history of forex can you show me one example?
P.S. This is not sarcasm, I am a beginner and examples make it easier for me to understand. Thanks.

Mathemat >>:
Ага, я в том же направлении думаю. Точку входа найти легко - по самоорганизации системы.
Самое сложное - точка выхода. Но выходить на начале антитренда - это тоже не айс.
В принципе можно придумать вариант "не всегда в рынке", т.е. выходить по причине, не симметричной относительно причины входа. Тогда потери бумажной прибыли будут, возможно, меньше.

Well... as far as trading tactics are concerned, seeing the trend is - in my opinion - first of all an opportunity not to spit against the wind - anisotropic work on an oscillator, for example.

Then, no matter what they say, but objective profit points (and overruns!) can still be used. But these are particularities.


And the tactic of entering at the beginning of the trend and exiting at the end (with a confirmed start and end!)... God willing, to bite at least 5% on average with such tactics...)))

rustein, what do you mean "for the entire history of forex"?
One example is easy to find. Just look at some powerful EURUSD movement (say 150 pips in a couple of hours). There is almost certainly a "culprit" in that pair - a currency for which strong news has been released. Let's assume that it is the quid. All that remains is to see how it has behaved against its other pairs at the same time.
Mathemat >>:
rustein, что значит "на всю историю форекса"?
Один пример легко найти. Достаточно посмотреть на какое-нибудь мощное движение EURUSD (скажем, за пару часов на 150 пунктов). В этой паре почти наверняка есть "виновник торжества" - валюта, по которой вышла сильная новость. Допустим, это бакс. Осталось только посмотреть, как он вел себя по отношению к остальным его парам в это же время.
Sorry, I wasn't joking, seriously, if you can show me one example it would make a lot more sense.
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.