"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 65

On hrenfx's PAMM on FXOpen, last year, when the market was favourable, he made half a million from 600 quid at the beginning of autumn until about the end of the year. Then the market went bad and he started losing....
The market didn't go bad. It's the hustle that ran out.
The market hasn't gone bad. It's the doldrums that have run out.

Yeah, that was just a figure of speech.

This one?

PAMM account Total Profit Last Day
hrenfx(hrenfx):335964 41434.10% 8.27%

Yep :) almost 2.5 times in July. I guess he's reduced his appetite and keeps chopping. or he's starting to trade something else.


2. I poured money into Leonid's PAMM, trading spreads, in the hope of a constant (quarterly) movement of the profitability graph to the north-east! And I poured in - at the start!

Congratulations, bg-ga-ga-ga... When you invest in PAMM, you should also be aware of the risk that the company is shit. Especially in such an obvious case.

Say goodbye to your money.





2. I poured money into Leonid's PAMM, trading spreads, in the hope of a constant (quarterly) movement of the profitability graph to the north-east! And I poured in - at the start!

I'm sorry Roman...

They pretend to be white and fluffy, but their reputation has long been tarnished. Why did they have to go there?


I'm sorry, Roman...

They pretend to be white and fluffy, but their reputation's been tarnished for a long time. Why did you have to go there?

I knew they had something like this before... But not in the present time...

I'm sorry, Roman...

They play all white and fluffy, but their reputation has been tarnished for a long time. Why should they go there?

Broco was the only MT4 "broker" offering access to the US futures market. Where else could you trade soybeans, pork giblets and some wheat? By the way, Leonid trades in spreads, so for him this "broker" was generally irreplaceable. I myself prudently closed my Broko account a year ago.

Man, there are other areas of trading that only they could have implemented. Also CFTC trading on traders' reports. How it will work now, I do not know.

_ to peddle soybeans, pork giblets and some wheat? _
To play.