"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 10


TheXpert писал(а) >> Статус "approved" есть? Нету, счет не липовый, но чужой, т.е. они втюхивают г-но под видом конфетки. В этом и смысл.

Sorry, I don't get the point. How is it "alien" and how is it possible to peddle "crap disguised as candy"? Some kind of new 21st century technology to brainwash gullible traders? )))

Demi писал(а) >>
>> Makes perfect sense!

There. Demi came in and solved all the mysteries.

Swetten >>:

Demi писал(а) >>
Целиком логично!

Во. Пришёл Demi и раскрыл все тайны.

It's good to see you too!
LeoV >>:

Извини, не понял смысл. Как это "чужой" и как это возможно втюхивать "г-но под видом конфетки"? Какие-то новые технологии 21 века по запудриванию мозгов доверчивых трейдеров? )))

Find a real-life invest on the internet, posted by someone.

Monitor it.

We use the monitoring for our own purposes. In this case, it is used to sell Expert Advisors, which are most likely to be lost, in order to obtain commissions.


TheXpert писал(а) >> Находим на просторах интернета инвест от реала, выложенный кем-то.

Well, such an invest from such a real has yet to be found.....))) Is it possible that such a thing could be lying on the Internet? )))

Raising a deposit from a hundred quid to a thousand is quite possible. BUT! This is what the goal should be limited to. That is, as soon as the deposit has risen to a grand, it must immediately be withdrawn from the market and cashed out. Only in this case one can say that the deposit has increased from one hundred to one thousand. If you do not withdraw the money from the account, you will get an artificial raise, on which the trader goes bankrupt.
LeoV >>:

... Неужели даже если трейдер талантлив, то всё равно высокоагрессивная торговля без использования стопов рано или поздно обречена на слив?

The trader is certainly talented, but the DC is even more talented. :)
maybe the investment has deviated from the instantaneous rhythm of transaction execution

Anton Trefolev broke through for 10000% and quit his job - he said he understood the market, but then he disappeared somewhere with his Himalayas

if i finish his TS - give it to me))), then i may reach 100 000%)