how to unload the dll - page 10

jartmailru >> :

I can send you a test set of Dll / script / expert.

Well, don't joke HideYourRichess, maybe we are all idiots and can't code without mistakes... which is not surprising, because, as the great one said, even VC has bugs.

alsu >> :

Come on, or else HideYourRichess might think we are all idiots and can't code without mistakes... which is not surprising, because, as the great one pointed out, even VC has bugs.

A good person does not feel sorry.

The code was wiped clean not even because there may be some problems in it.

I just don't program anything by hand for a long time, all by preparation,

and I have about a meter of code.


In general, there are two empty functions - timeService and getLocalTime.


In the folder experts expert GetTimeZone.mq4

. The script with the same name in the scripts folder.


MetaTrader build 225, Win XP SP3

If you launch the script - it unloads and you can delete it, it means it is good :-),

and if you do a test run of the Expert Advisor, you cannot delete the Dll-

only by quitting MT - it means there is a problem with dll in the tester...


Great more stomping the keys on the forum-

all the damn checks take 5 minutes of work...


As for the errors...

if you don't have any test, you don't have any error ;-) !


tacos will do


This is how I check:


Jartmailru and Alsu are great.

By the way Unlocker 1.8.7 for all occasions:

jartmailru >> :

and if we do an expert test run - there is no way to remove the dll -

only by quitting MT- it means there is a problem with the dll in the tester...

(I keep getting sick, so I get philosophical) Our dear jartmailru, what "problems" are these? As a very famous lawyer once told me,

"The problem is when a group from FSB-SBU, special group of MIA, SWAT team, ALPHA team, investigators from General Prosecutor's office and they all have a search and seizure order from prosecutor's office or court (you of course) come to your house in the morning. THIS is the problem. And all the other cases are just minor technical difficulties".

I believe her for some reason. She seems to be Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine now.

jartmailru >> :

MetaTrader build 225, Win XP SP3

If you run the script - Dll is unloaded, you can delete it - so it's good :-),

and if we run the test run of the Expert - Dll cannot be deleted-

only by quitting MT, it means that there is a problem with dll in the tester...


Great more stomping the keys on the forum-

There are all the damn checks for 5 minutes of work.

Now try to take what is called "Sample DLL for MQL4". It doesn't even take 5 minutes, everything is ready to use.

Run it as a script, when it works, look for dll in terminal.exe address space - do not find it.

OK. Nice Dll.

Start tester, when it works, close it, look for the dll-hole in the terminal.exe address space, it is not found.

OK. Nice dll.

I will gladly believe that something does not work, but I will not run your suspicious dll. I'm lazy to compile it from your VC8.0 into VC6.0. I'm also too lazy to check the versions of the crt you use for compatibility. You can see in the usual headlamp that you have a dll linking to msvcr80, but the example uses msvcrt. A small thing, but not nice. So on and so forth.

That's it! Everything works fine.

Ha-ha-ha! Great! Uncle hacker, write again. The main thing is not to be taken seriously by your "revelations" about how to write and test programs. Uncle hacker, don't you work for Microsoft? Cause you can tell from their stuff that's how they work.
Sick, your condition is getting worse.

I'm going to guess that it's not necessarily about the MT tester. If the MT tester somehow has a LoadLibrary loop at the beginning ... FreeLibrary at the end, and this loop is executed many times, then Windows will just lock the DLL in memory until better times and won't think to do anything to free it, but only imitate it. This is done by Windows to cache frequently used libraries.