Video courses on programming in MQL4. - page 5


Start reading from the beginning, and as soon as you feel confused, look up the definition of the word you don't understand in the Russian explanatory dictionary. If it is special terminology, ask questions here.

Thank you, by the time I understand something this way it will be mkl 6. I do not understand the examples that should and are given to understand ... One of them says: Calculate the largest area of a rectangle circumscribed by a meter long string! I don't want to learn about tailoring. And how would such an expert work in meters or centimeters.
...calculate the largest area of a rectangle circumscribed by a metre of string! The very consideration of this example is nonsense and heresy. I want to learn not to tailor. And how will such an expert work there is no such quotation in meters or centimeters.
Stop this at once! You've already started destroying the school mathematics course, at this rate you'll get to the alphabet!

It's very adequate. I can go into the code of indicator by analogy with the bus and say I can change the colour not in user settings but in the code so that every time I use the indicator I don't have to adjust the colour or type of arrow. But I can't write myself or understand the whole code - it's more complicated, the operation...

1) If you sit in front of the documentation and whine all the time that you don't understand it, this behaviour will not increase understanding.

2) If you keep running around looking for books where something is written better than in previous ones, you will forever be a "running search engine" and not a programmer.

The only way to learn programming is to start programming yourself! No book can teach you how to operate on a human being unless you start doing it yourself. All surgeons start in anatomical rooms. Until you learn how to write your own little cadavers of your own unnecessary curricula - you won't move a micron towards your goal.

Start here and write, debug, try all the functions by gut feeling, change colours in indicators, ..... In short, do it yourself!!!

good luck ;)


They used to make great cartoons, though... "Ah and Oh", for example... I'd love to see it again... :)

Stop it at once! You have already started destroying the school mathematics course, at this rate you'll be on your way to the alphabet!

I'm sorry, how do I understand this example for what it is? I read the book a few months ago, if I reread it periodically once a month, at this rate I may get to μl4 programming in a year or so... I need help, not ridicule.

1) If you sit in front of the documentation and whine all the time that you don't understand it, this behaviour will not increase understanding.

2) If you keep running around looking for books where something is written better than in previous ones, you will forever be a "running search engine" and not a programmer.

The only way to learn programming is to start programming yourself! No book can teach you how to operate on a human being unless you start doing it yourself. All surgeons start in anatomical rooms. Until you learn how to write your own little cadavers of your own unnecessary curricula - you won't move a micron towards your goal.

Start here and write, debug, try all the functions by gut feeling, change colours in indicators, ..... in short, DO IT YoursELF!!!

good luck ;)

I started "here"... that's why I came here... I'm shocked to see you all piling in together and "messing around"...

I joined the forum about half a year ago ... didn't know how to use the tester, even after reading the repeated help... opened a thread in the "pros don't pass by..." situation is familiar to me. Out of dozens of forum users who advised me everything but what I needed, only one guy skype'd me and explained me how to do it in 5 minutes (thanks a lot). Is it really necessary to be a programmer to look down on all the other people with all the consequences ...


I started here... That's why I came here...

The only way to learn how to program is to start programming yourself!

two key words: start and yourself. consequently, their importance is distributed according to the well-known rule of 20/80 ;)


I started here... that's why I came here... I'm shocked you all piled in together and "messing around"... why don't you Skype and have a chat...

The problem is that you are not a fan of bitching and moaning, and you don't have to do anything about it. no one here owes you anything. no one is "piling on" you. I'll even go further. those who haven't posted in this thread don't give a damn about your problems. questions in the "any newbie question..." thread is also a WORK. instead of wasting time with emotion in this thread, ask your first question over there... about what you don't understand in the textbook material you've read.