Looking for an MTS. giving a steady 20% or more per month - page 5

FION писал(а) >>

With a 10% drawdown I think it's very expensive, and with an 80% drawdown no one would entrust their money to such a miracle.

That's understandable. OK, 20% profit a month with a 10% drawdown - how much does it cost to buy such a MTS? What's the calculation?

No fucking way! It's easier to go straight to court. as an insider since such a miracle shouldn't even fall under force majeure...
LeoV писал(а) >>

That's understandable. OK, 20% profit per month with a 10% drawdown, how much does that MTS cost? What's the calculation?

It's worth as much as you can buy or sell it for. It's a commodity. If you are an unknown "genius", they will not buy it for 20 quid, and if you are a respected "guru", it is worth 100$ or more. Examples abound...

FION писал(а) >> Examples galore...

>> Give examples, I wonder....

muravey >> :

My friend, what kind of answer is that?) We are adults. With "fairy tale" orders, you can open real trades in valuables markets)

It's difficult to collect such a sum as you wrote, let alone withdraw it:) In addition, 20% has its own threshold of profit, beyond which the mat expectation for you will simply be negative.)

Mathemat >> :
muravey, 10^6 * 1.2^120 ~ 3.18 * 10^15, i.e. times 80 times less than yours. That doesn't make the number any less enormous.

Mathematician, you've got something wrong. The formula is slightly different - 1.2*10^6 * (0.2^120 + 120 * (0.2^119 + 0.2^118 + ... + 0.2) + 1); - most likely so. You can calculate if you need to, I'm too lazy:)


It's simpler thanthat. You are summing up a geometric progression, but the reasoning here is much more elementary. If you take the initial capital as K, then at the end of the month it should be 20% more, i.e. 1.2*K. At the end of the next month it should be 1.2^2*K and so on. muravey got it right, but the final figure isn't very accurate.

What's there to calculate? It's not a realistic figure anyway :)

Mathemat >> :

Oh, you did the math for a million, I didn't realise at first.)

registred >> :

Oh, you did the math for a million, I didn't realise at first.)

yep ! having MTS stable from 20% and above !

I start counting from a million, too.

I can't go any lower than that.

YuraZ писал(а) >>

Yep! With MTS, it's 20% or more!

I also start counting from a million.

Below that, the hand = ouch - the thought - doesn't go down.

if you think lower, why try...