A list of programmers who are great at writing pay-for-performance codes and don't screw around - page 17

four2one >> :

And now "cat's praise....."

And the most interesting thing is a good "hangout".

Of all the above "great" programmers, only Yu. Zaitsev and xrust have good code.

Once again, the thread is "flooding" and full of "nonsense"!

Add one more line then.

"from the point of view of a decompiler and putter"

granit77 >> :

"It's not so dusky up close..."(C)

Looked at the championship and I see obvious programmers in the first profitable hundred:

Cronex, arnautov, nickbilak, Red.Line, Itso, LeoV...

And how many more of them were in the lead, but lost their positions because of the insane Championship MM?

IMHO, it is not very correct to talk about unsuccessful trading programmers, although this is not their main occupation.

Sorry, but of the hosts you have listed almost nobody takes part in discussions on these topics!

And haven't you noticed this correlation:

the higher the score on CHAMP, the less participation on the forum, and vice versa, the lower the score, the more these figures on this forum, as well as

in this thread are ranting about how they are pros???? (and all the rest are lamers)

BestProgrammers >> :


I don't believe you've talked to everyone in the vetted group, and furthermore, I highly doubt your competence as an expert.

1. "He who has eyes shall see".

2. "...I strongly doubt your competence as an expert" - "judge not, lest ye be judged".

3. I am far and away from your "doubts".

Maximus_genuine >> :

This thread is all about how pro???? they are. (and everyone else is a lamer)

I agree only, the most interesting thing is that LeoV is not a programmer.

four2one >> :

..I'm far and away from your "doubts"...

I love a good quote...

"KISH!" (C) Mischek.

Figar0 >> :

And the only criterion for assessing a programmer's work is whether the terms of reference and the code are consistent.

Sorry for the excerpt, but maybe that's a bit too loud. Don't take it as a rebuke (it's your personal opinion and I respect it), but the customer does not know how and in what ways the same result can be achieved. Let's take two programmers (pros) one writes as you say, completely without understanding why and for what purpose, but performs accurately the terms of reference. And the second will tell the customer that what you are asking for can be done three times easier and a little different, and explain why (on your fingers). In this case, the result: the first developer's Expert Advisor is awesome, great, but it takes too long to optimize, and generally - "heavy". And the second developer has one - fast optimization and low weight! Question! - What programmer will be in high demand in this case? Or, the first programmer's Expert Advisor will not work at all due to some minor inaccuracy on the part of the customer. What will they take money from the customer and say "Sorry, buddy, but you are stupid" In my opinion, everything must be good VERY well.

I agree that the programmer must not be a perfect trader, but he, in theory, must know what the trader has ordered the product for and how it will approximately work in the tester and in real trading. And not the last one is the desire of the programmer to UNDERSTAND what the customer wants and give advice, to offer the best option. THIS WILL ONLY BE TO THE PROGRAMMER'S ADVANTAGE.

In fact - the programmer, a person who sells his services... Whichever way you look at it, and the communication style and attitude of the programmer to the client is also not unimportant. If the customers read this thread, it seems that YOU (Programmers) have a complete downtime - there is no trouble from the customers and you don't need customers at all. That the customers are so bad, do not know anything, do not know how to do anything...

four2one >> :

2. "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Right, so express your opinion somewhere else.

3. I am far and away from your "doubts".

I don't give a shit about you either, you're just too arrogant.
granit77 >> :

I love a good quote...

"KYSH!" (C) Mischek.

1. Not original.

2. (C) the word cannot be applied to anyone, GC part 4.

BestProgrammers >> :

Right, so express your opinion somewhere else.

I don't give a shit about you either, you're just very arrogant.

1. this place is not your cloakroom, and I am "expressing" my opinion, not others.

2. Do you know what "borzo" is?

four2one >> :

2. Do you know what "borzo" means?

Sure. But time goes on, the meaning changes.

you got me just fine.


It's not a cloakroom, that's why I suggest you remove yourself.

BestProgrammers >> :

Of course. But time goes on, the meaning changes.

you know what I mean.


It's not a cloze, that's why I suggest we remove it.

1. greyhounds are a group of hunting dogs for hunting (baiting) animals without weapons.

2. And if I don't "delete" - shall we bite the tie or wire and complain to the rosh?

four2one >> :

Greyhounds are a group of hunting dogs used for hunting (baiting) animals without weapons.

Yeah, it's hard to communicate with an uneducated person.

Borzo - quickly from the Old Russian. Nowadays it is used in a slightly different meaning.