Off-topic MT4/mql4 questions. - page 28


Geez, any small MKL coder will make a script that parses the required page and builds a chart directly on the chart of his favorite terminal (I'm too lazy) ;))))

I've changed my mind, Leonid, write me a message and maybe I'll make an indicator.

Thank you, FAQ - at this stage something has been clarified.

you can open this page directly in excel and parse the data from the WBA (but I'm too lazy)

Thanks for the website by the way :)


Incidentally, there are times when the site "rests" (especially at weekends) and does not build. Then it is possible to build the same graphs on its "twin" -

(when building spreads - set coefficient with minus sign in Multiplier box of the second instrument).

I replied in personal message.



Hi all!

Please advise, who knows? Is it possible to eliminate mouse button contact rattling in XP Windows by means of software (or in settings)?

I don't want to change it - I've got used to it for several years!


What is it

дребезг контакта кнопки мышки?



Hi all!

Please advise, who knows? Is it possible to eliminate mouse button contact rattling in XP Windows by means of software (or in settings)?

I don't want to change it - I've got used to it for several years!

If it's a Genius mouse, it's better to change to a mouse from another manufacturer. These Genius mice have a disease: after a while they start to make a single click as a double click.

In the control panel, there's "Mouse" and the "Mouse Buttons" tab. You can adjust the speed of the double click and swap the buttons.


Yes, it looks like we'll have to change it. Looked through the search now, the recommendations are only "drastic":

Either re-solder the fuse or get a new mouse...


Yes, it looks like we'll have to change it. Looked through the search now, the recommendations are only "drastic":

Either re-solder the fuse or get a new mouse...

If you're really that attached to this particular mouse, you can simply swap the fuses. Take it from some seldom used buttons, if there are any. Such as: under the wheel, under the thumb (forward/backward), etc.

Well, that's understandable. I just don't want to dismantle it and use a soldering iron. So this morning I took the mouse (Genius) and put it in the freezer. Kept it there for an hour and a half. Then plugged it back in.

So far, it works fine, third hour already. Not kidding!