pricing - page 14

gip >> :

Evasion. Be more specific (I'm stocked up on popcorn and coke and waiting for another show).

If the magic word has been spoken, then be my guest:

The debit and credit turnover of assets and liabilities in BANKS is often counted the other way round - from normal accounting. The reason is that in the bookkeeping a company operates mostly with its own assets which it owns or has bought. In banks, the turnover is generated by assets which do not belong to the bank, but are the property of the customer. Therefore, the combinations of "asset/gain/liability" in firms and banks are ZERO. There is no problem with this, you just have to remember it all the time. Not many people know about it - either bank accountants or people with experience...

.... All your own, cool foreign exchange people with knowledge of what is an asset and a liability, keeping track of the current account balance of all major countries, regularly reading the reports of the world's largest firms .... have gathered here. isn't it?

gip >> :

>> I'm stocked up on popcorn and coke and waiting for the next show.

AlexEro >> :

1. Obviously, "currency". The question, of course, is WHY and WHO? About the shift - nonsense.

2. Wrong.

3. Wrong.

4. Wrong.


(Bank currency position is the ratio between the bank's claims and liabilities in foreign currencies. A distinction is made between a closed foreign exchange position (if it is equal) and an open position (if the amounts of currency purchased and sold do not match). If the liabilities exceed the claims, the Currency position is considered short; if the claims to buy currency exceed the liabilities to sell it, the Currency position is long. The size of the Currency position depends on the bank's goals: to secure the client's international settlements; to diversify its currency holdings; to speculate for exchange rate differences. Maintaining a long or short Currency position for several days or weeks by the bank is considered currency speculation (see Currency speculation). An open Currency position entails currency risk (see Currency Risks). As the Currency position changes continuously throughout the day, a long Currency position becomes short and vice versa. The use of a computer enables banks to continuously monitor the status of the Currency position through automated processing of currency transactions and to obtain real-time data on the ratio of claims and liabilities for each currency. The Bank evaluates the currency risk contained in the Currency position and the possible results in case of closing it at the exchange rate of the day. This assessment is complicated by the fact that the Currency position is formed in the course of not only cash(spot) but also futures currency transactions executed at different rates at different times. In case of a long foreign exchange position, the bank decreases the quotation of the respective currency in order to attract buyers; in case of a short foreign exchange position, it may increase the quotation to attract sellers of this currency. To assess the possible result of closing the foreign exchange position, the amounts of the long and short foreign exchange position are translated into the national currency, or firstly into a foreign currency (for example, dollars), and then into the national currency. By the end of the business day, banks close the open Currency positions. In a number of countries, the state limits the open Currency position in order to avoid possible bankruptcies.

5. Incorrect.

6. Incorrect. Wrong.

So there's nothing to talk about yet. Except to simplify the questions: what are passive and active?

Dukascopy for example and see how 5 lots move the price by a few pips))

Panzer >> :

Dukascopy for example and see how 5 lots move the price by a few pips))

All that means is that small Dukas have small clients and they have low supply-demand (liquidity) at THAT moment. For our pricing question, it's not the shift of a couple of pips at Dukas that matters, but what happens then - in the following moments. Then arbitrage happens - clients of Doukas switch in a moment to other trading platforms, and quickly buy currency from another source, and then offer it to the Doukas trading floor at a lower (relative to Doukas, of course) price. In other words, there is a wave of arbitrage, which is circular from the price spike on Dukas. Like circles on water from a thrown stone.

AlexEro >> :

This only means that small Dukas have small clients and they have low supply-demand (liquidity) at THAT moment. For our pricing question, what matters is not a shift of a couple of pips at Dukas, but what happens next - in the following moments. Then arbitrage happens - clients of Doukas switch in a moment to other trading platforms, and quickly buy currency from another source, and then offer it to the Doukas trading floor at a reduced (relative to Doukas, of course) price. In other words, there is a wave of arbitrage, which is circular from the price spike on Dukas. As circles on water from the thrown stone.

Blumberg - 1-2p difference, no arbitrage possibilities. No liquidity, no arbitrage. Where the hell you get it from.

5-10 lots may also move the market. What I mean is that liquidity (3 yds a day) is a bent number.

A swap is a derivative financial instrument, an agreement that allows for the temporary exchange of one asset or liability for another asset or liability. It is used to improve the structure of assets and liabilities, reduce risks, and gain profit.

A swap consists of two parts - the first part is when the primary exchange occurs, and the second part is when the reverse exchange occurs (closing of the swap).

Swap trades take a swap. Even the contract is called a swap.

Swap is not charged on a spot if settlement is today, in practice usually the same day settlement. My friend at blumberg trades without leverage, no swap.


Spot - terms of settlement when payment for a transaction is made immediately (within 2 days). Synonym for cash or cash deals. They are the opposite of forward transactions.

Authorised banks may buy or sell foreign currency by concluding, as mentioned above, its purchase and sale transactions, with delivery of funds under these transactions no later than the second banking day from the date of their conclusion. This type of transaction is called a spot foreign exchange transaction (cash transaction) and the transactions carried out are on a "spot" basis. The term "spot foreign exchange deals" combines three types of foreign exchange deals that provide for the delivery of funds under the following conditions

1) on the day of the transaction. Such deals are called TOD deals, and the rate fixed in them is called TOD (from today);

2) on the next business day after conclusion of the deal. Such deals are called TOM deals, and their rate is called TOM rate (from tomorrow);

3) after one (i.e. on the second) business day after conclusion of the deal.

Such transactions are called SPOT transactions, and their rate is called spot (spot - cash) rate.
There are not the 2 days that you are talking about.

A bank's assets are items of property, which have a monetary value and belong to the bank. The main sources of funds for the formation of assets: equity capital of the bank and funds of depositors, inter-bank loans, issue of bank bonds. The increase of assets of the bank occurs due to performance of active operations: crediting, investment operations, other operations of the bank on placement of own and attracted funds. The important quality of bank assets is profitmaking.

The assets of the bank shall include: cash, loans, investments, securities, real estate and others. The assets of the bank are recognised in the asset side of the balance sheet. (c)


And you don't have assets owned by the bank

Liability (lat. - inactive) - opposite to assets part of balance sheet (right side), - total of all liabilities (sources of means formation) of enterprise.

It contains equity capital - equity and share capital, as well as debt capital (loans, borrowings), grouped by composition and maturity.


Assets begin to belong to the borrowers (creditors) only after the bankruptcy proceedings of the LLC, JSC, etc.


The difference between the Bank's and the trader's positions. It is in the size of the positions, the bank has a higher volume of trades => the bank is better (less costs).

The trader "pays both the costs and the bank for trading", i.e. the trader has worse trading conditions than the bank. Of course, if the trader has a large turnover, his trading conditions will improve. That is the difference. (You can add more details, but it would be too long).

Some do not, without any explanation.

AlexEro писал(а) >>

If the magic word has been uttered, you are welcome to do so:

Debit and credit balances of assets and liabilities in BANKS are often counted the other way around - from normal accounting. This is due to the fact that in the normal accounting a company operates mostly with its own assets, which it currently owns or has bought.

That is where you are wrong. A legal entity has nothing of its own. Everything was purchased with what it was credited with. If you look at the balance sheet, you will see that debit and credit are equal. The gist of my question was "doesn't a debit in bank accounting denote a debt, just like in accounting?". The same goes for credit. But this is a digression from the subject in general.

In banks the turnover is in assets, which do NOT belong to the bank, but are owned by clients. Therefore, the combinations of "losses/gains of assets/liabilities" in companies and banks are ZERO. There is no problem with this, you just have to remember it all the time. Few people are aware of this, by the way - either bank accountants or employees with experience...

The joke comes to mind:


An old accountant used to start his working day by opening the top drawer of his desk and scrutinising something in it.

When he died, curious colleagues opened his desk, pulled out a drawer and saw a piece of paper that said:

"debit to the left, credit to the right."

Panzer >> :

(in deep thought) That's probably why 95% of the retail forex industry is what they call "SLEEPING.

You hear the bell, but you don't know where it is. It's all just a show-off. I don't even want to refute or prove anything. Let's wait for the polite ones. Only the polite ones make bankers and traders. The rest of us are screwed.

Mark Twain.

How I edited an agricultural newspaper

""Guano is a valuable bird, but its breeding requires a lot of trouble. It should not be brought in before June and no later than September. It must be kept warm in winter so that it can brood its chicks."

"Apparently, we should expect a late grain crop this year. Therefore, farmers had better start planting corn cobs and sowing buckwheat pancakes in July rather than August."

"About pumpkin. This berry is a favorite delicacy of New Englanders; they prefer it to gooseberries for stuffing pies, and use it instead of raspberries for fattening cattle, as it is more nutritious, while not inferior in flavor to raspberries. The pumpkin is the only edible variety of the orange family that grows in the north, apart from peas and two or three varieties of melon. However, the custom of planting the pumpkin in front of the house as an ornamental plant is falling out of fashion, as it is now universally accepted that it gives little shade."

"Nowadays, when the hot season is approaching and the geese are starting to spawn..."


Mischek >> :

>> Thank you. >> Not bad.

AlexEro >> :

If the magic word has been uttered, then be my guest:

The debit and credit turnovers of assets and liabilities in BANKS are often counted backwards - from normal accounting. The reason is that in traditional accounting a company operates mostly with its own assets, which it owns or has bought. In banks, the turnover is generated by assets which do not belong to the bank, but are the property of the customer. Therefore, the "asset/liability decrease/gain" combinations in firms and banks are ZERO. There is no problem with this, you just have to remember it all the time. Very few people know about it - either bank accountants or people with experience...

.... All your own, cool foreign exchange people with knowledge of what is an asset and a liability, keeping track of the current account balance of all major countries, regularly reading the reports of the world's largest firms .... have gathered here. isn't it?

Hmm. It's like, "In BANKS it's often the other way round - from normal accounting."? With a minus? Or sitting with your back to the monitor? Or from right to left, like the Arabs?

A debit is a debit in a bank, or a debit in Africa. It's an increase. It makes no difference whether it is assets or liabilities, as far as I can see.

What's the reverse? If you are encroaching on such a simple concept as "debit", at least explain your encroachment.