Poll : Closed club of expert writers - who's in favour? - page 7


Have you ever wondered whether all participants of the club or those who have put skis there (I also registered by the way) that the participants themselves will copy ideas from each other. All we are gathered there are programmers do not forget about it, someone strong, and someone wrote his first exp, and let me sell, and ala, and get in the club.

Then it is not at all clear who and with whom decides who to take, and who not at this point in time. How are assessed participants, by the number of posts on this forum, by the number of posted or created threads with interesting material, maybe take while those who wrote an article for this site....

I mean the word product - not necessarily something for sale, it's even worse than the opposite. (added nickname: HIDDEN)

About the posts of course not so much but articles, indicators, developments, advisers, ideas will always be the most important thing.

xrust >> :

I don't see the point in copying ideas - you might as well use the search engine

Take Klota for example, if his linking MT to Nerki was to be one of the club members and other developments in the field I don't see anything wrong here.

And what about the reverse side of the coin, let's say there is an idea made to order for money, it will also be considered your property, and you distribute it as your own? And it should be punished? It was just passing by, a question has long arisen. And on the subject: kolkhoz is a voluntary matter. All will end with mud. Been there, done that. Codify it so it won't get hacked and that's it. :о)
nkeshka >> :
What about the reverse side of the coin, for example, if you have an idea which was made on commission for money, it will be considered your property and distributed by you as your own? And it should be punished? It was just passing by, a question has long arisen. And on the subject: kolkhoz is a voluntary matter. All will end in mud. Been there, done that. Codify it so it won't get hacked and that's it. :о)

The club will be quite good about this, since no one will know about it, and if they do, the one who ranted, that's out.


about that, it'll be quite good in the club...

I propose that, for the FULL F IGHT, we should create ... rating agencies which will
give a Rating (of course, NOT for free :) to such collective farms, who is AAA, who is BBB etc.,
because not just one collective farm can be serviced - at least it will be very convenient!

nkeshka >> :
What about the reverse side of the coin, for example, if you have an idea which was made on commission for money, it will be considered your property and distributed by you as your own? And it should be punished? It was just passing by, a question has long arisen. And on the subject: kolkhoz is a voluntary matter. All will end with mud. Been there, done that. Codify it so it won't get hacked and that's it. :о)

It's negotiable. Including with the customer. We have to. We'll see.


Maybe I didn't read the topic carefully, maybe something else... But I understood only 2 main points

1) Detection of stolen EAs of club members on just the Internet. And the ways of fighting it won't change, will there be complaints etc. Or do you think that all club members will figure out for themselves where to complain and the process will go faster?

2) Share their experiences. This is more serious. But what is there to share? We will not share the serious developments, and programmers know about all the features of the "Add alert to an indicator" type.

PS: FOREXMASTER got a good job, he is a beauty :D

GarF1eld >> :

2) Sharing experiences. That's a bit more serious. But what is there to share? We will not share serious developments. And programmers know all the details like "add alert to an indicator".

Why? If there is something to share. I think I have something to discuss and share. But I want to make sure the code won't end up in the hands of freaks who will put it on the ball or sell it for next to nothing or use it without even thanking me.

PS: FOREXMASTER has made a good job, he is a beauty :D

I think we'll find a way to check its veracity :). It would be a pity if the test ends badly. He's the only one moving so far.

TheXpert >> :

I think we'll find a way to test it for lice :). It would be a shame if the test didn't end well. He's the only one moving so far.

>> let's hope he's changed.)

GarF1eld >> :

>> let's hope he's changed)

Oppa -- proof?