Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 55

Yourmindmy >> :

You're not so small, but you're so tedious. Who do you need to corrupt if you're issuing yourself?

I'm not issuing anything, unfortunately.

Zen >> :

Galactica - you're my favourite opponent - why don't you respect mate - I think mate is a normal way to express an emotion

Mate is NOT a normal way to express emotion

It's also offensive in that it allows your opponent to draw the wrong conclusions about the people involved in your upbringing.

Well - in short - we conclude - the opponents have fallen silent - I think they understood - Franco-Saxo-German cannot take the Slavs with their bare hands - although the propaganda among the Slavic immigrants was carried out qualitatively - commendable. Let's hope that our boys will return to the right mindset.
Zen >>:
Ну - короче - делаем выводы - оппонентки затихли - думается, что поняли - франко-саксо-германом славян голыми руками не взять - хотя пропаганду среди славянских иммигрантов провели качественно - похвально. Будем наедятся, что наши хлопцы вернуться к правильному мировоззрению.

Congratulations on the conclusions.

Galaxy >> :

Mate is NOT a normal means of expressing emotion

It is also offensive because it allows your opponent to draw the wrong conclusions about the people involved in your upbringing.

Were you raised by intellectuals by birth?


We can start a debate on mate - if you're willing

Zen >> :
Well - in short - we conclude - opponents have fallen silent - I think they understood - Franco-Saxo-German cannot take Slavs with bare hands - though propaganda among Slavic immigrants was carried out qualitatively - praiseworthy. Let's hope that our boys will return to the right mindset.

The opponents chose not to argue about matters of faith.

"In an argument between the clever and the foolish, it is the clever one who is mostly wrong."

timbo >> :

The opponents chose not to argue about matters of faith.

"In an argument between the clever and the stupid, the clever one is mostly wrong.

Sorry, Timbo, for taking it personally - I'm trying to communicate pragmatically.

I, like you, am not a resident of Russia.

And I'm not even Russian - it's hard for me to write Russian.

timbo >> :

"In an argument between the clever and the stupid, the clever one is mostly wrong."

Well, there's no dispute that I'm stupid. Thank you for reminding me - it was nice to have the attention of the Smarts of this world paid to a fool.

Zen >> :

It's a pity, Timbo, that you take it personally - I'm trying to communicate pragmatically

And he will take it personally as long as he thinks in a clichéd way and is afraid to call things by their proper names - "I know about overproduction crises, they happen... but the fact that they have made a mess of the debt (ah yes, financial instruments) has never happened before and therefore there can never be such a mess".