Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 33


And in general, in the future it is possible to merge the US, Canada, Europe and the Russian Federation. And the transfer of part of the population from the U.S. and Europe to Canada and the Russian Federation. That is to unite on the basis of similar cultures.

Alternatively, the Russian Federation could be part of China.

Nothing personal, strictly the real facts of catastrophic population decrease.

Galaxy писал(а) >>
The unification of the United States, Canada and Russia is also possible in the future. Otherwise, one cannot survive on its own.

Interesting possible name for such an association)

There is some common sense in that. I suppose Europe could be included as well. The irreversible global "watershed" is not at all on the plane we are discussing here...

Galaxy >> :

Are you serious? The bullfrog is walking into the clutches of the tiger...

Neither China nor India will ever stop thinking about the Russian expanses with an extinct population.

America is needed more than ever in the coming decades. Without it, there will be no Russia, no CIS, no Europe as it is now.

About China.

Even before Putin's second election in 2004 I heard persistent rumours that in 2008 a secret treaty will be signed...

I heard persistent rumours that in 2008 a secret treaty will be signed between Russia and China on the transfer of territory up to the Urals to China. First as free resettlement followed by assimilation,

and handing it over to full management...

In principle it is possible to believe it, were it not for one BUT: what about strategic raw materials such as uranium, gold, etc..

However, the frequent visits of our "two-headed eagles" to China in the last year does fuel interest... ;)


So it will become a world order on our continent:

- Asia is Asia and Europe is Europe


Although our continent is historically unlucky...

One continent and two "lands" :)))

timbo писал(а) >>


Once again, in the event of a default, the bond is unsecured. Accordingly, if the risk grows that the bond issuer cannot pay its obligations, then even if the interest rate remains unchanged, the price of the bond falls, and so the yield rises.

"... The massive sell-off could not fail to have an impact on the yields of the popular 10-year treasuries which, for the fourth time in recent weeks, are now trying to beat the 3% yield level, but every time they fall back..." http://www.

looks like the government is protecting that level... something is not right in the Danish kingdom...

No bond indicator coming out.

a never-fading twig... :-о)

I agree on many points.

Too reminiscent of the shifting of serious fundamental plates.

The feeling is that the US has already reached a strong agreement with China.

I would like to add, again, that the start of a technological trend is just around the corner, all the prerequisites are already in place. This is an important horse in the race ahead, and the oil horse seems to be in the pre-retirement race.

Therefore, the scheme (States + Canada) + (China + Asia Oceania) represents a good portfolio.

The (Europe & Co.) + (South America) + CIS portfolio is different.

Everything else is split roughly equally between the first two.

Prival >> :

"... Such massive selling couldn't help but affect the yields of popular 10-year treasuries, which for the fourth time in recent weeks have tried to break the 3% yield level, but each time have fallen back..." http://www.

looks like the government is protecting that level... something is not right in the Danish kingdom...

No bond indicator coming out.

FR has just said that he will buy back long bonds. If you have 10-year bonds and you know the FR will buy them back, what do you do? Probably blow the price all the way up. That way their yield will fall, which is exactly what happened. Look at short securities, if their yields go up, then it's really not okay.

timbo писал(а) >>

The article says that the bill is aimed at all companies that have received money from the government, not just against AIG as you claim - i.e. lie number 1.

There are three instances in the article where laws have been enforced retroactively, which you claim has never happened - i.e. lie number 2.

And most importantly, what you do not understand is that in the USA both the people and the government care where the taxpayer's money goes,

No, dear Timbo, it's you who's missing the point. And that is what the American establishment is doing and who it is doing it for. The government really cares about where taxpayers' money is going, they are very concerned about making sure that big finance capital profits from the crisis too. It saves those who have built this pyramid scheme and doesn't care about the rest. My guess is that if nobody had made a fuss about the bonuses (the media probably did), things would have been quiet now and nobody in Congress would have tried to cover it up retroactively. The top managers are the underlings, after all, they were the ones who implemented the pyramid scheme. Despite the fact that, as professionals, they knew exactly where it would lead. So now they are offended - they did what they were ordered to do, so why take their money?

And what you are picking on, and with cries of lies, is the same chatter around legal twists and turns that they love so much in America.

In my first post I retold my brother's words, with the caveat that I didn't understand everything there. Only your inflamed imagination could find "only against AIG as you claimed" or "which according to you never happened" there. If you were honest, even in the citation in your post, you would have seen a whole paragraph talking about all the bankrupt companies that received state aid. And AIG is just an individual example. But you either don't know what the context is, or what honesty is. That's not good, Timbo, you're twisting and clinging to irrelevant details. If you're such a truth-teller, you should say straight out: "This is all true, but here and here it is actually like this". Who'd argue with you then? But it's a cheap propaganda trick - clinging to trivialities to create the impression that everything is wrong.

Yurixx >> :

Talked to my cousin yesterday, who has lived in America for 20 years. He is as pro-American as Timbo. He says interesting things.

For example, queues at gun shops. People rush to buy guns and ammo. Or another thing: the Congress has passed (or is about to pass - I do not understand) a law, which has retroactive force and is directed against a particular group of people. For the States, this is a case of unprecedented and unconstitutional. We are talking about that 150 billion bailout AIG received from the government. The top managers have received huge bonuses from this amount, which is contrary to the law, because this is public money. Now, they are going to rectify this situation retroactively by levying a 90% tax on this income.

Fun life there ! :-))) And why this is good and right will tell us Timbo.

Here's your full quote. You can clearly see that "didn't get it" refers solely to "accepted or about to accept", and the nonsense about a group of people and unprecedentedness sounds absolutely affirmative.