Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 13

JavaDev >> :
What do you want from a country whose history begins with genocide?

What do you want from a country with a history of continuous genocide against its own people?

Prival >> :

I suggest you do some research on who the missile defence systems in Europe will work against. Find the type of radar they want to install, then mark its radius of action on the map and see if Iran falls there (or where those notorious fundamentalists have settled).

And then compare it with the fact that Azerbaijan is much closer to that "allegedly dangerous" place on the globe, but the Americans do not want a radar there( .

Z.U. They want control over another territory.

It's very simple, you just have to think.

I will not conduct my own research, I have enough of opinions of Russian military experts, who have repeatedly said that the missile defense in the Czech Republic cannot affect Russian defense capabilities in any way.

Azerbaijan, as well as the whole Central Asian part of the BSSR is an area of instability. The story with the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan proves it. The joint BMD with Russia is a nonsense, Russia has repeatedly proved that its power is unpredictable and inadequate.

timbo писал(а) >>

Russia has proven time and again that its power is unpredictable and inadequate.

What do you mean? )

Figar0 >> :

What do you mean? )

For example about September 17, 1939 - with Germany starting World War II...

Figar0 >> :

What do you mean? )

In this case about foreign policy and the economy.

About Medvedev threatening with seekers on the day of Obama's inauguration, who did not have time to tarnish himself in any way and should have started negotiating with him. After such blackmail Obama has to put missile defense system in Czechia, even if he did not want it, the native electorate will not forgive him. By the way the Iskanders never reached Kaliningrad. Evil tongues claimed from the very beginning that they were out of stock.

About Putin, who first threatens in Munich, and then begs in Davos.

About curing the economy by sending doctors to the company owners.

About the buyout of Manas base just to give a shit to Americans who are now really protecting Russia from Taliban, because if not they, Taliban were already in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, probably in Russia.

PS. Don't speak about the year 39, it was long ago, and the present authorities have nothing to do with the past failures and victories.

Zet1972 писал(а) >>

For example about September 17, 1939 - with Germany starting World War II...

Ooh... you also remember the Battle of Kulikovo, a showdown in an open field)

Russia has proved, America has proved, it's all nonsense... All these governments, presidents, parliaments, are the same, they all fight for power, all poke fun at the financial elites, whose stooges they are, all pursue the same goals, and even the same methods differ only in ability, all lie, call black black white, all say nice words and promises that you cannot believe..... Of course theirs is better from their point of view. But who is good and who is bad? They're all the same, there's nothing to divide...

timbo писал(а) >>

In this case about foreign policy and the economy.


I could answer that, but I won't.)

timbo, you better tell us about the Dow, how do we see it, is the local bottom reached, will it grow a bit? Or will it bounce a little bit and then keep looking for the bottom?

timbo >> :

About buying out the Manas base just to give a shit to the Americans, who are now really protecting Russia from the Taliban, because if it were not for them, the Taliban would already be in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and possibly Russia.

Wow ))

Stop clowning around

The presence of your assholes in Afghanistan has caused a flood of drug traffic and is really damaging us every day

I do not care about the health of junkies so long as they die, but the crime situation is bad from them

so a kind of Taliban is already walking on our streets thanks to nato.

Why do you care about Putin? Be glad he's not Zhirinovsky.

>> Hugo Chavez doesn't like you either? ))

Figar0 >> :

I could answer that, but I won't.)

timbo, you better tell us about the Dow, how do you see the local bottom there, will it grow a bit? Or will it bounce a bit and then keep looking for the bottom?

Absolutely known only one thing - no one can know the answer to this question. One can give a lot of arguments for growth or decline and then, if it works out, one gets a reputation as a great soothsayer; if it does not work out, everyone will forget about it. That is the scenario many "deep economists" are following today.

I would very much like it to be the bottom, but I don't believe the crisis will end so easily. Crowds of people are sitting in suitcases with money and don't know where to invest it. Any positive information is being picked up and quotes go up, but that does not mean that the economy is improving and tomorrow there will not be a sobering up and a new fall. Unemployment is up, production and sales are down, "consumer indices didn't fall as much as expected" - yay!

The major governments are doing something, but they cannot reverse the situation, they can only mitigate it, and set the stage for a future upswing if they are acting correctly, or aggravate it if they are acting incorrectly. Is Obama doing the right thing? It seems to me he is. But only from the perspective of the knowledge and experience we have today. Perhaps the day after tomorrow it will be realised that it was all wrong.

In short, I'm not in the business of guessing by coffee grounds, I'm in the business of getting money out of the market regardless of the direction of the market - I don't have an answer.