Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 12

Reshetov >> :

And what is your personal take on the problem?

Let the Islamic fundamentalists on Russia's doorstep have a nuclear bomb, just to show the Americans a gobble. Against whom would Iran point a nuclear weapon? First of all, against its closest neighbours; America is too far away to be reached. "I'll freeze my ears off to spite my mother!"

But on the other hand Putin was right to refuse to make a deal with the US because their missile defence system is unlikely to be activated... there will be no World War III, much less a nuclear one... But Iran will build a nuclear bomb and hit Israel... Or maybe even the russian Federation..... It's more like "I'll freeze my ears off to spite my mother"... Pupkin wants to play the Great and Powerful Superpower, but his economy is waist-deep in wood...
timbo >> :

And what is your personal view of the problem?

Against whom will Iran point nuclear weapons? America is too far away, it can't be reached.

1. There are no facts about the existence or potential development of nuclear weapons in Iran. The IAEA commissions are working there. All such rumours are US and Israeli disinformation, like the "intelligence" about the "presence" of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

2. The US is too close to Iran, namely in Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Kuwait, the UAE, etc. etc. So, in case of US aggression or provocation against Iran, it will not have to reach far to US military installations.

3. American neo-conservatism is far more scary and dangerous than any religious fundamentalism.

Reshetov >> :

1. There is no evidence of the existence or potential development of nuclear weapons in Iran. IAEA commissions are working there. All such rumours are US and Israeli disinformation, like the "intelligence" about the "presence" of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

2. The U.S. is too close to Iran, namely in Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Kuwait, the UAE, etc., etc. So, in case of US aggression or provocation against Iran, it will not have to reach far to US military facilities.

3: American neo-conservativism is much scarier and more dangerous than any religious fundamentalism.

Pakistan also had a 'peaceful' nuclear programme... they ended up with weapons... God willing, things will work out between them and India...

timbo >> :

And what is your personal attitude to the problem?

Let the Islamic fundamentalists on Russia's doorstep have a nuclear bomb, just to show the Americans a gobble. Against whom would Iran point a nuclear weapon? First of all, against its closest neighbours; America is too far away to be reached. "I'll freeze my ears off to spite my mother!"

I would like to ask the honourable representative of the United States: have they found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or are they still looking for them?

Despite its enormous hydrocarbon reserves, Iran is experiencing an electricity shortage. Electricity imports exceed exports by 500 million kilowatt-hours. The national programme developed in this regard aims to reach 53 thousand megawatts of installed capacity by 2010. The programme includes the development of hydropower and nuclear power. Iran's first nuclear power plant is being built in Bushehr with Russian assistance.Иранский_авиарейс_655

Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) is a commercial passenger flight operated by Iran Air, between Bandar Abbas, Iran and Dubai, UAE. On July 3, 1988, Airbus A300B2-203 of flight IR655 was shot down over the Persian Gulf by a missile fired from US Navy missile cruiser Vincennes. 290 people were killed, including 15 crew members, and 66 children were among the passengers. At the time of the missile launch, the cruiser Vincennes was in Iranian territorial waters.

On August 6, 1945, at 08:15 local time, the US B-29 bomber "Enola Gay", piloted by Paul Tibbetts and bombardier Tom Ferebee, dropped the first atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima. It exploded about 600 metres above the surface with an explosive equivalent of about 20 kilotons of TNT.

On August 9, 1945 at 11:02 am, the second (after Hiroshima) US nuclear attack on Japan was launched against Nagasaki: the "Fat Man" bomb was dropped by an American bomber, causing devastating destruction and massive loss of life: about 74,000 people were killed and about 51,000 buildings were destroyed.

who the fuck is a terrorist state after that?

timbo писал(а) >>

And what is your personal attitude to the problem? ...

I suggest you do some research on who the missile defence systems deployed in Europe will work against. Find the type of radar they want to install, then mark the radius of effect on the map and see if Iran (or where those notorious fundamentalists have settled) gets there.

And then compare it with the fact that Azerbaijan is much closer to that "allegedly dangerous" place on the globe, but the Americans do not want a radar there( .

Z.U. They want control over another territory.

It is very simple, you just have to think.

To my mind this missile defense is a simple blackmail tool, it is clear that in case of an incident the nuclear submarines will strike, and it is unrealistic to intercept the separated blocks with false targets. This missile defence is more stinking than the Star Wars was back in the day.
Prival >> :

I suggest you do your research

George W. Bush, in particular, said: "I will never apologize for United States of America. I will never apologize for the United States of America, I don't care what the facts are".

eloquent words :)

Zet1972 >> :

George W. Bush, in particular, said: "I will never apologise for United States of America. No matter what the facts are" ("I will never apologise for the United States of America, I don't care what the facts are")

>> eloquent words.)

Yes, indeed... I've never heard an apology from the USA.

Everywhere they're a breeding ground for homemade bullshit democracy.


I can't imagine a similar situation with Hussein, only let's say the US is RF

and Saadam is Sykunoshvili the Tie Eater... :)))))))))))

But I can imagine how many carloads of shit the U.S. would take if it were real.


As for economic and other 'merits', well what can I say...

Making the whole world count and collect their paperwork is a talent!

A criminal talent that is also sometimes admired and even put into textbooks.

What do you want from a country whose history begins with genocide?