Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 11

Russia has "swallowed" the oil-and-gas-for-food type of globalisation idea and is now dependent on food supplies. As Chernomyrdin said: "Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day". Until Russia is self-sufficient there is no point in yapping about leadership or confrontation, as the saying goes, "I would like to keep what's ours".
Prival >> :

Meanwhile, gun sales jump in america....

Prival >> :

The enemy should be decapitated in advance + all weapons that pose a danger should be scrapped. And after that you can fight a war.

We just have to answer one question, if there is no Russian army. Who will be able to stand up to the Americans? Their eternal desire to solve problems with a Colt.

The Americans have nothing to do with it. They're people just like us.

There are people who own 80% of the world's productive forces. They're the ones who decide everything.

The country doesn't matter to them. Right now it's the US. Tomorrow it will be China. Then maybe it will be Burkina Faso...


(What is also extremely interesting and very revealing is that not a single leader of the country since 1917 - NOT ONE, has served a term in the army. This is a medical fact. Dzhugashvili and Brezhnev were political instructors in the armies as adults, i.e. even here people not in the military. They were representatives of the Central Committee in the army. Strange, universal military duty and the commanders-in-chief somehow got away with it, ALL of them ending with Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, Medvedev).
Zhunko писал(а) >>

Americans have nothing to do with it. They are people just like us.

There are people who own 80% of the world's productive forces. They decide everything.

The country doesn't matter to them. Right now it's the US. Tomorrow it's China. Then maybe it'll be Burkina Faso...

That said, the US prefers to "solve problems" on someone else's territory.

FION >> :

Meanwhile, the US prefers to "solve problems" on foreign soil.

And also by foreign hands, i.e. involving "allies" in all conflicts, who act as cannon fodder.

timbo >> :

Anything is done for money or interest. That is, you can try to ask me a question that I would be interested in answering as comprehensively as possible, or you can pay me money. My rate is $100 per hour.

There you go. Of course, expressing your vision of what's going on is so scary, such a responsibility to your personality.Of course, only for money, to artificially raise the importance of your words.What's your interest in being on this forum?Can you try to answer this question?

Reshetov писал(а) >>

And also by foreign hands, i.e. by involving "allies" in all conflicts, who act as cannon fodder.

"Allies" in order to kill "democratically".

FOXXXi >> :

Of course, to express your vision of what's going on, it's so scary, such responsibility to your personality. Of course, only for money, to artificially increase the significance of your words. What's your interest in staying at this forum? Can you try to answer this question?

I have already spoken on the subject of what is happening in the world, I see no need to repeat myself.

"For the money" is compensation for my time, which I will be forced to spend on something that will not bring me moral satisfaction. Do you work for free or solely for munchies, you don't take money?

On this forum I observe the development of interesting product for me - MT, the emergence of potentially interesting to me ideas, and the measure of my efforts to educate - such a philanthropy.


Medvedev responded to Obama with a stiff rejection!!!

Russia has not agreed to a deal with the US

Dmitry Medvedev has refused to accept Barack Obama's offer to work together to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue in return for the United States abandoning its missile defence deployment in Europe. At the same time, the Spanish prime minister endorsed the idea of a European security treaty designed to curb US appetites in the Old World.