Quantum trading system - page 30

HideYourRichess >> :

Everything has already been invented before you. That's one. Two. Read about Occam's Razor.

I cannot believe in such a definition, for example the time machine as a device has not been invented), and to be more specific, we are going to use already invented theories in our interpretation, why discourage? I do not understand the point

kosa >> :

>> I cannot believe in such a definition, for example a time machine as a device has not been invented), and to be more specific, we are going to use already invented theories in our interpretation, why discourage it?

Use as you wish, but there is no need to propagate this obscurantism to the masses. As long as the applicability of the approach is not proven. On the contrary, so far it can be seen that the general concepts do not coincide. For example, the same "quantum levels", if you look statistically, it turns out that the price does not "walk on levels" and does not "gravitate" to any specific numbers.

kosa >> :

I can't believe that definition, for example a time machine as a device hasn't been invented)

now they're trying to invent this for the market...

HideYourRichess >> :

Not really. There is a difference that makes two separate scientific disciplines, with their own names. And precisely because of this, in the marketplace it is more correct to operate in terms of mathematical statistics rather than quantum theory.

"The difference is eaten by the crayfish" (C) Here it is either my way of stating my thoughts, or you don't read, but where did I suggest using specific terms? Where? I was writing about analogy. I didn't suggest switching to quantum terminology. And as for the terms "wave" "probability" "energy", "frequency", which I used, it seems to me, has nothing less to do with the market. I described my approach - two big steps, no "spins", "quantum numbers" and other things are not there in the first place. Have you investigated the correlation between system states, energy ... ? if no, sorry, then what useful thing are you writing about? If yes, then write justifiably - why it doesn't make sense to do it. But reasonably. I would be grateful for the time saved. :о)

Besides, purely objectively, conceptually, just read into it - "spin" is no worse than the term "head and shoulders". you just get into it, and get it right. :о)))

to kosa

thinking about the topic... apparently, you can't do it all at once, you have to get distracted :o)

Neutron писал(а) >>

You see, grasn, what happens when you playfully open the veil of Ignorance, woven by the hands of Mercy, from the Great Mystery - you generate Essences and they begin to surround you, becoming Meaning...

You're being sarcastic about it in vain, if you don't know or understand something, it doesn't mean it can't be. Don't be inhibited by denial and much more can be done to find the truth.

That Shniperson:

On this subject I have written that such a variant of trade is possible. Although, personally, I am not interested in trading and I'm not going to do it in the future, in any form or by any exotic methods or by using ordinary MTS. The jokes about it are inappropriate, it all works. I have not tried it with astral, but I tune to the energy flows accompanying the movement of the course using meditation, I was experimenting for a fortnight and during that period I did not make a single mistake, and consequently I had loss-making trades. But it strained me a lot, required a lot of energy, long concentration on the process, it was very tedious, though this may be due to lack of practice. But it works as a trading alternative, but again I am not interested in it and I tried it only to check it.

grasn >> :

Have you investigated the correlation between system states, energy ... ? If not, sorry, then what useful thing are you writing about? If yes, then write justifiably - why it doesn't make sense to do it. But reasonably. I'd appreciate the time you save. :о)

First formalise the concepts of 'system', 'state', 'energy', in relation to the market - after that you can explore. As long as it's not formalised, there's nothing to explore. And keep in mind, decesh forex has nothing to do with "the market". It is an independent phenomenon.

grasn >> :

Besides, purely objectively, conceptually, just read into it - "spin" is no worse than the term "head and shoulders". you just get into it, and get it right. :о)))

It's not worse. Exactly the same. In terms of value. Because there's no "back" or "heads and shoulders".
HideYourRichess >> :

First formalise the concepts of "system", "state" and "energy" in relation to the market - then you can investigate. As long as it is not formalised, there is nothing to investigate. And keep in mind, decesh forex has nothing to do with "the market". It is an independent phenomenon.

Yeah, suddenly becoming formal, I would even say formatted. Of course, this is what I do in between pleasant conversations with interesting interlocutors. Regarding energy - I have already written and you probably have already read it, to start with DSP's energetic approaches. But I congratulate you on your first meaningful and scientifically rigorous "First formalize the concepti :o))))))", post in this thread. What's amazing is that such a post appears already after cute "name-calling" and categorical assertions. Or maybe you should also articulate something first. I thought you said (if I'm not mistaken) that such an approach was impossible. Perhaps it is, although I do not see the principal limitations, just want to check, but it may not work. So write down why, it's really interesting. Of those who claimed it, no one even specified for which systems. So, we can conclude that the basis on which such conclusions were drawn has something fundamental underneath, and this fundamental applies to ALL "systems" in forex. But does it? ;)))


Just a reminder. The discussion was originally about the applicability of quantum theory to forex trading. Your examples are well within the understanding of mathematical statistics and are remotely related to quantum. If you use DSP - go ahead, there are no problems, except for a justification of the applicability of DSP methods under non-stationarity of the signal. If you want to use something else, go ahead. But let this "something else" be called properly, not quantum theory. There is a desire to operate with the concept of energy - no problem, but it is necessary to specify exactly what is meant by this energy. Does this energy reflect any pricing processes. This is the question. So I want to formalize the concepts under discussion.

This is not a reproach to you personally, but to the discussion as a whole.

HideYourRichess >> :

You use DSP - please, there are no problems, except a substantiation of applicability of methods of DSP in non-stationary conditions of a signal.

DSP is used in stochastic control systems just for non-stationary signals. In the theory of stochastic control systems, even time is assumed non-stationary. Everything here has already been proven by the titans, my proof will look rather pathetic.

If you want to use something else, use it as you wish. But let this "something else" be called properly, not quantum theory. If you want to operate with the concept of energy - no problem, but you need to specify exactly what this energy means. Does this energy reflect any pricing processes. This is the question. That is why we want to formalise the concepts that are being discussed. The discussion was originally about the applicability of quantum theory to forex trading. Your examples fit well into understanding of mathematical statistics and are remotely related to quanta.

Well do you really think there are colleagues who will argue that the price is made up of quarks, androns, muons, etc. If you argued with that, then you are absolutely right, there is none of that in the price. It's obvious. :о) But that's not what I was writing about. I thought I was talking about applying similar approaches. In fact wave function in general doesn't consider the nature of a particle (I wrote it for a reason), but completely defines all characteristics of the system. For comparison - correlation theory of signals (including AR models) considers a signal as a set of impulses without going deep into what these impulses are "made of". This is not my fiction, it really is - pulses and absolutely on .... what they are "made of".

That's why I want to formalize the notions that are discussed.

Yes I totally agree, that's what I'm working on. I have written in the big letters, that specifically I am interested, to me these quanta absolutely on the sidelines. It occurs to me that the probability of the system being at some levels may have a wave nature, by analogy, so to speak. Think about it!!! Do you seriously think I'm going to try on an electron for a price now?


They're selling a quantum generator on ebay and want $75 for it. Does anyone live in america? Because the delivery is only in the US, and I'd really like the generator!

And I would also like to ask advice from quantum experts. Are not they expensive? And in general, how to know the general technical condition of the generator? Maybe it is supported, and overpay for a second hand does not want to (the picture to me as a layman to determine it is difficult, maybe you can help). And the second question, judging by the picture quantum generator is broadcasting into the network. How to do so that it would broadcast to the market (in principle, the broadcast could be established in my terminal MT, but I do not know whether it helps?) I attach a picture of the quantum generator: