The FLET formula - page 24


Writing from the Factory, from the night shift, and I want to say that you shouldn't open up about it, you young jokers, it's all easy for you...

but it's really very serious and any of you will regret...

it's not secret service archives, or 33 degree codes, it's a much more dangerous subject...

a printout of this subject was placed on the desk of a very important man today...

it mentioned something that should not be mentioned in the public domain or even hinted at...

you are given a few days to close this discussion, after which it will be too late...

all of your accounts are already on file, if not for yourself, then for your loved ones!


Writing from the Factory, from the night shift, and I want to say that you shouldn't open up about it, you young jokers, it's all easy for you...

but it's really very serious and any of you will regret it...

it's not secret service archives, or 33 degree codes, it's a much more dangerous subject...

a printout of this subject was placed on the desk of a very important man today...

it mentioned something that should not be mentioned in the public domain or even hinted at...

you are given a few days to close the discussion, after which it will be too late...

all of your accounts are already on file, think of your loved ones if not for yourself!

If you wrote a book, I'd read it) Great start to the story)

And the sequel could be:

"They're getting closer and closer, faintly audible creaking iron, cold as another early brutal winter morning in Siberia....These can't be my Comrades... Too many coincidences...

I wish I could take it all back, but no, life never gives a second chance.

It's a shame it had to happen like this... how could I not have thought of it in the first place! My daughter... no one must know about her... But maybe she's already been captured... the damned KGB... everywhere looking for another victim of regime violence...

What am I doing, I have to run, run far away and don't give a damn!

Hurry up... every second could be my last...

Pull yourself together...! So take all the calculations with you... no burn!... too long... bag, paper, calculations, everything... Well... goodbye my beloved and hated factory!

And then Misha woke up, covered in sweat, tired, as if he had not slept at night, but unloaded trains of concrete blocks...

"Well, thank God it was a dream..." he thought...

And then he began to notice...

"It's 5:00 in the morning... his wife's gone... Maybe she went to the kitchen... or... No!

have i really lost my mind, they told me i should see a psychiatrist... no... all is well, the kids are in the bedroom, the wife is in the kitchen, i am home.... everything's fine.....-....

I'm seeing things again... I haven't been baptized enough ....

that's weird... in the car... door sound... Victory... no... Volga... the door is heavy... must be armoured... damn...!

Looking out of the window Misha really saw a black Volga, uniformed people entering the house, smoking cigarettes with a revolver in their hands...

He suddenly understood that it was all for real, as he understood clearly that he no longer had a wife or children, and he had no time to find out where they had gone...

He grabbed the bank account that he had always kept under his mattress and somehow got dressed, ran out onto the staircase and quietly, having shut the front door before, ran up to the attic of the flats...

Well... I'm alive, maybe my family's alive...

...where I could get out... The train... Right... no they must be waiting there already... Can't make a mistake... A bullet to the forehead and it's all over and good if it is... God, it's cold!...

No, we must go to Seryoga... Seryoga will help, he's connected...

Having arrived at Seryoga's at half past six in the morning Misha started banging on the door like crazy... Sergey, Misha's old friend and comrade in arms, was at home...

- Misha, you're out of your fucking mind! What are you doing home so early?!

- Seryoga, there's no time, man, the KGB knows everything... They'll come after you too... Give me the car keys, I have to leave immediately! "


Enterprising young people, it is worth taking an interest in this subject. You're young, you're healthy, you're smart. This is it. It's yachts and villas. This is where you need to get in right away. Seriously, any of you would be happy with that. It's better than sitting back and making threads about netizens and martingales. I quite understand that this message will cause additional interest, but I want to warn you right away - the most dangerous thing in life is to live it without noticing how it went, being a mouse. The rest of us just won't be so clever as to make a clean sweep.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Do you take drugs?

I don't and neither should you.


If you wrote a book, I'd read it) Great start to the story)

And the sequel could be this:

"They're getting closer and closer, faintly audible creaking iron, cold as another early brutal winter morning in Siberia....It can't be my Comrades... Too many coincidences...

I see more writers here than traders. Or lots of talented people who are known to be talented at everything).


If you wrote a book, I'd read it) Great start to the story)

And the sequel could be like this:

No, that would just make a typical 90s action-detective)

We need a short 2 volume historical introduction, starting with at least a description of the true background to the conflict between Daedalus and Minos. Well, or periodic flashbacks to stories like Socrates sending Xenophonte on his mysterious trek to Babylon or Aristotle raising ahalf-barbarian king from the future conqueror of Asia.

Plato's long stay in Rome, where his ideas of state-building were realised, can be omitted or confined to a vague hint. The Crusades, the discovery of America, the Industrial Revolution, etc. should be presented as natural consequences of ancient history. It is important not just to show the "true" version of historical events, but to make them into a logical chain. This logic should be very peculiar, but convincing to the mainstream readers of such texts).

The descriptions of modern times should not suffer in terms of epicness compared to historical flashbacks - this often spoils such texts).


Writing from the Factory, from the night shift, and I want to say that you shouldn't open up about it, you young jokers, it's all easy for you...

but it's really very serious and any of you will regret...

it's not secret service archives, or 33 degree codes, it's a much more dangerous subject...

a printout of this subject was placed on the desk of a very important man today...

it mentioned something that should not be mentioned in the public domain or even hinted at...

you are given a few days to close the discussion, after which it will be too late...

all of your accounts are already on file, think of your loved ones if not for yourself!

Come on.

Processing the history won't do anything.

It's the risk that drives the price.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

No, that would only make a typical 90s action-detective movie.)

You need a brief 2-volume historical introduction, beginning at least with a description of the true background to the conflict between Daedalus and Minos. Well, or periodic flashbacks to stories like Socrates sending Xenophonte on his mysterious march to Babylon or Aristotle raising ahalf-barbarian king from the future conqueror of Asia.

Plato's long stay in Rome, where his ideas of state-building were realised, can be omitted or confined to a vague hint. The Crusades, the discovery of America, the Industrial Revolution, etc. should be presented as natural consequences of ancient history. It is important not just to show the "true" version of historical events, but to make them into a logical chain. This logic should be very peculiar, but convincing to the mainstream readers of such texts).

The description of modernity should not suffer in terms of epicness compared to historical flashbacks - that often spoils such texts)

The main idea was that it was not KGB, but people from the future who came to kill Misha, because of his discoveries in the future one person destabilizes the economy of several superpowers, provoking the apocalypse in the form of World War III war for resources) or something like that)

You amaze me! You've wasted years, decades, and yet you still keep a positive attitude and make jokes.
You amaze me! You have wasted years and decades and yet you still keep a positive attitude and make jokes.

It's understandable. Everyone wants to live a long life. And laughter and humour are known to prolong life).