Is it all realistic? - page 4

LeoV >> :

>> What's the point of saying that?

If you don't want to talk, it's too much to read, sorry.

Shniperson >>: Besides, at roulette, using the theory of probability and MM, you can double your capital in an evening...

Or you can even halve it - using exactly the same terver and MM.

But all my life my soul has been striving for charts, for "analytical" reviews, for intelligent speeches... for reflections.... From the age of 15 I dreamed about "career" as a trader and analyst, received 2 educations (college + high school)... And ended up with a "broken boiler".

"I want to fly, I want to fly, I want to fly, I want to fly!" So the irrational message is still there. "The client is more alive than dead."

Then, if you want to make a bot that will chop with your minimal intervention, "analytical" reviews are best sent to hell. Smart speeches - leave them for the forums. And thoughts to yourself.

But the best thing to do is to get rid of the obsessive comparison of a handicap with roulette. In some ways they can be likened, but a handicap is still much richer. Although, on the other hand, it's the roulette research methods that can help you considerably with the handicap. But it's not in the signal part of your TS, but in the research part of its robustness.

BARS писал(а) >>

That sooner or later there will be a funeral ))))

Well that's 100%.....))) But only this......

Guarantees only at the morgue.... and not always.....

4sotni писал(а) >> support the guy.

No point - as there are no guarantees.... ))))

LeoV >> :

Well that's 100%.....))) But only this......

I can also give you an example... There's a 99% guarantee.

Put 100p on the account (for micro) and bet 0.02l on franc!

That's it! You can expect Uncle Stake in about 15 pips.

At least give us a hint, gentlemen, which indicators you should look out for... if you're not complaining )))
Shniperson писал(а) >>
I am a very experienced trader, I am very skilled in trading robots, and I`m very skilled in trading robots with no real results. I used to trade manually, but because of greed and not following the MM... I shook hands with Kolya Morzhev twice, many of my friends did the same. For a long time I've been reading various articles and I got a not entirely "positive" impression about forks.... Many advised me to "DAX", that it is more "technical" and so on and so forth. But I "did not see" anything like that... So the question came up... Does anybody make money with the help of "advisors", etc.? And in general, does anyone make money on the frp?

Yes they do, they do. You have a negative "impression" of yourself, sorry, not of Fora, colleague. You yourself write: "...because of greed and not following the MM".

DAX is technical... depends on what technique to use. I work with him. He's a good guy.

Shniperson 06.01.2009 01:57

At least give me a hint which indicators you should pay attention to... if you're not complaining )))

At one time I gave a link to indulgences and techniques which I actively use... Those who gave me a bad name were outnumbered by those who thanked me :) If you find your game, you will find your indicator... not the other way around (IMHO).
Shniperson писал(а) >>
At least give me a hint which indicators you should pay attention to ... if you're not complaining )))

It's not about indicators at all.... You have to understand that a trader is a profession, which has its own specifics of work, its own knowledge, its own "recipes for work", which you need to learn and be able to apply in practice. For example, when you master the profession of a doctor, you study the human being, its structure, its diseases, and how to treat these diseases. If an untrained person is given the tools of a doctor - a scalpel and medicine - it does not mean that he will begin to treat people well. And so in this case - indicators, neural networks, MM and other stuff are just tools in the trader's hands. If you give them to an unprepared person, it does not mean that he will start to trade well - to open positions. In order to use these tools well and correctly, you must study the object of use, namely the market, and, of course, the tools themselves, as a doctor needs to study a person, medicines and tools for his treatment.

Any indicators work, depending on how, why and how to use them....))))

Shniperson писал(а) >>
At least give me a hint gentlemen, what indicators are worth paying attention to ... if you're not complaining )))

Try it without indicators.... Or look at CC indicators, an underestimated tool. And if you use indicators, you should understand well what it shows, how it is calculated (at least approximately), and not just this stuff over 70, and your lips are wider than your ears, and the pink line is below the price - buy...


Well, the MM of course should be observed, the truth if the mind to comply more than 20 - 30% a month is difficult to get, but it's not bad. Do not set yourself super goals, start with real ones...


One more secret) After any even local failure, miss be sure to take a pause, a day, two, no revenge, there will be plum. Think calmly, relax, analyze, and then "punish" the market.


And the last thing is not to lose heart)

BARS писал(а) >>

That sooner or later there will be a funeral )))) or maybe not.... )))) nothing lasts forever ))))

didn't you know ? or are you not 100% sure ? )))))))))))

what a humor you have .... grave.... >> apparently in your youthful years....