Is it all realistic? - page 6

I guess you weren't a saver in early 98 with a lakh of green ))))))
Mathemat писал(а) >>

In a very boring and low-paying job that needs a hired worker. Unless you put a lemon of green in your account, of course... But a lemon of green can be put to more sensible use.

)))) Slightly wrong - it's not that sad....)))) The man asked about -

Shniperson wrote >>
>> And where do you get that "risky strategy"?

What the question is, is the answer. I gave him an example of the least risky strategy. But even in this scenario, when working with 0.1 lot for every 10,000 dollars, putting 20k on the deposit and working without MM lot in 0.2, from September to December you can raise 4000-5000 points with a normal TS, that the money will be 8000-10000 $, and with a small MM - eschego more, which respectively a month of 2000-2500 $ - good salary - which is 120% per annum. Where have you seen a business that, with investments of 20k will give a return of 120% per year?

And if you put your head together, increasing the risk a little bit, increasing the leverage of each transaction, if the TS allows you to the leverage up to 1:5 - 1:10 - then the whole chocolate.....))))


But if you want to make a fortune out of $100 then you have to see a therapist..... )))))

FractalM >> :

The market should be your friend, not your enemy.

The market doesn't owe anybody anything. >> you owe it.)


No one is making money (unless it's a one-time thing)... the topic has been covered dozens of times...

If earnings were real, DCs (casinos) would be on the losing side and as a consequence would not exist...

The issue of Expert Advisors is completely out of the question ... no matter how crafty and profitable they are, sooner or later, the moment of a complete dept dump will come ...

Shniperson писал(а) >>
... Does anybody earn with the help of "advisers" etc.? And in general, does anyone make money on the frp?

You'd better just ask who here has quit their day job. And 100% everyone will answer that they haven't. Even the professionals here all work somewhere in parallel. It turns out that they are more interested in the process than in the result.) Or they earn on forex without trading. To be honest, I read somewhere that if Forex were a science, someone would earn all the money in the world. ;-)

And if somebody knew exactly how to earn here without any risk they would not be sitting on this forum. :-)

azik1111 >> :

You'd better just ask who here has quit their day job. And 100% everyone will answer that they haven't. Even the professionals here all work somewhere in parallel. It turns out they are more interested in the process than in the result.) Or they earn on forex without trading. To be honest, I read somewhere that if Forex were a science, someone would earn all the money in the world. ;-)

And if somebody knew exactly how to earn here without any risk they would not sit on this forum. :-)

Sorry... excuse me (for saying that nobody earns)... there are those who make fantastic money... it's the DCs


Here, let me quote a text from one forum that I've quoted many times before, on different forums.

IMHO, it deserves it and removes the rose-coloured glasses, if there are any...

Hi Alex.
I'm just starting out in forex... Lost my first depo, 300 quid.
Not to take up your time, I'll ask straight away: does CMS have a fractal trading system. I looked it up on history-- seems to be O.K. What do you think? I've tried all indicators and systems except Fractal. I held out for three months and lost one trend that I did not see. Can I use fractals?
If you have time, may be you can suggest something else. Thanks in advance.

I will tell you the following:

I've never worked with fractals, however, I think you will lose on fractals as well. Just like you've lost on all the other systems.

And the problem here is not so much the idea behind the system, but the fact that what you understand by the system now, after reading the explanations in the book, what you use as the basis for a trading system whether it's fractals, oscillators, muwings, elliot, fibonacci and so on and so forth, are just ideas.If you're a beginner, reading an idea in a textbook or an article, you can't take these ideas and start trading them, because it's not enough, and the consequences are always the same - you lose...

However, if you have tried everything, as you say, and only fractals are left, then, having finished with fractals, you will enter the first turn of the spiral of trader's evolution. During this volution, beginners usually try all known ideas and methods described in books and on websites. After that 70% of beginners give up trading forever being finally "convinced" that nothing works and it all was just a big f@cking up.

The more persistent begin the second stage: they choose some favorite ideas, methods, tricks, and begin to work with them, trying by trial and error to gradually put "meat" on the framework of ideas and tricks that they think should work. This also takes a long time.

Then a third spiral begins. Having checked that preferred methods and ideas do not give desirable results, the trader comes back to some ideas that he or she tried during the first loop, and tries to combine them with the ideas of the second loop. This also takes much time.

Yes, by the way, usually each turn is accompanied by at least one, or even several trips to the real world, with subsequent losses... However, periods of uninterrupted gains are also possible.

Then comes one more stage when trader is trying to reconsider his favorite ideas based on the experience from the first three stages and taking into account the added ideas of the third stage, he starts to reconsider MM, methods and tactics of the game, and he tries to combine time periods...

On the fifth stage trader starts thinking about why the system "crashes" after certain periods of time. He starts strategically rethinking the method and its systems in order to determine the fundamental component, the red thread of the method, to reformulate the fundamental idea of the method and understand whether it is the "fault" of the market or the weakness of the method. More time, more effort, more money...

At the same time I'm struggling with myself because a mosquito keeps buzzing inside and sometimes it seems that my wife is right: you're an idiot, it's not for you, you need to take the last bucks you still have and scram before it's too late ... This disgusting feeling oppresses the soul in position and makes us make mistakes and completely fuck our own method in those moments, when there is a looming live profit or seemingly imminent loss. The next morning, you usually look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud: "What the fuck, you got it?"

So step by step, year by year you have to not only find your way in the dark, but also to make yourself believe in yourself, despite the fact that you are 0 and in your method, which is not there...

Gradually, after 5-7 years of work, there comes a moment when you don't know anything about tomorrow, while your friends know that tomorrow the paycheck will be, somehow no longer weighs on the psyche, and the wife's question at night: "Sasha, what will happen to us?" you're not trying to feign sleepiness, but calmly answer: what will be - will be ...

Gradually the method begins to take complete shape. It's based on your philosophy of the trade that took years to develop, on your practice, for which you have paid a fortune. You make fewer and fewer mistakes and you have fewer trading "urges" to go against your own method and bullshit - you understand in your brain that urges are followed by drawdowns in both literal and figurative sense...

You understand the limits of the method, you understand its shortcomings, you know roughly where, when and how much you can lose. You are no longer interested in articles about trading, you stop buying books, you are not interested in other people's methods, advice, opinions, views, you don't ask Alex for advice, you don't need him, looking down, you see how far you have come, how high you have come, you look down from the height of your experience and see many turns of the spiral of your own evolution, you see that not all of the turns were circles, many were ellipses, you understand that all of these turns of your evolution as a trader gradually narrowed and narrowed in diameter, gradually approaching the invisible axis, the pivot, what you were aiming at - the truth.... and you remember yourself on circles when the truth seemed at hand, but you could not reach it - it needed another turn ... and you remember yourself on ellipses when you seemed to be very close to the truth and then you went farther and farther away ... and then you get closer again...

Slowly, you start to make money. A little... a little, slowly, slowly. But you're not in a hurry either. You know that life is short, you know that children are growing up, you know that there are not many left, that others have risen before, many higher . But you don't care anymore, and you're already long gone...

Day by day you are becoming more and more sure that you are doing the right thing, that evolution does not happen quickly, it goes slowly, though sometimes in leaps and bounds. You don't rush yourself, you don't twitch like you used to. And when you, like Buddha, every morning turn on your computer and without much inner turmoil you do trade after trade, trade after trade, penny after penny, penny after penny, at some point you start to know, understand, feel that you have become what you were always supposed to be - you have become a trader.

Author: qxr1011, 2004

sllawa3 писал(а) >>
azik1111 wrote(a) >>

Dima_S. wrote(a) >>

What's the point of your post? Is it that it is difficult to earn on Forex? - that's pretty clear..... And you show me a place where earning a lot of money is easy?
LeoV >>:

Dima_S. писал(а) >>

А в чём собсвенна смысл ваших постов? В том, что на форексе трудно зарабатывать? - дык это и так ясно..... А вы покажите мне место, где зарабатывать большие деньги просто?

not difficult, but fundamentally impossible (earning ... not winning, which is two big differences)

LeoV писал(а) >>

Dima_S. wrote >>

What's the point of your statement? That it's difficult to earn on forex? - it's clear enough..... Show me a place where earning big money is easy?

sllawa3 wrote to you -- DC . :-)

If I'm not mistaken Adam Smith wrote, you can make money only if you have three factors. and nothing has changed since his time :-(