Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures. - page 14

KimIV писал(а) >>

As far as voting goes, I'm against foul language. I don't utter them in life and I don't like reading them on a forum.

I agree. I, a linguistic philologist (as in one of the versions, among others))) also get offended by the use of foul language. But more likely from the fact that in most cases, its use is caused not by artistic necessity, but by the low level of development of the writer. Compare T.N. Tolstaya's or Yuzy Aleshkovsky's performance of foul language with what you hear and read on a daily basis.

But since this forum is not a literary circle, I would simply forbid the use of profanity here, unless it's quoting from a work of fiction. (I myself once cited a quote from S. Dovlatov with profanity.))

For the record. I grew up in a family where even the word "ass" was considered unacceptable. I do not use profanity myself. When I do write - sometimes, but only when it's justified by the inequality of substitution for the norm (from an artistic point of view).

Politeness training at the construction site:

- Tell me, Petrov, what would you do if your comrade Vasiliy dropped a brick on your foot?

- I'll say: You're wrong, Vasya...


Another mini-scene from Dovlatov came to mind. And it couldn't do without foul language, either.

He had a good acquaintance, a fine poet. And he had some kind of outstanding typewriter. When Dovlatov asked him what kind of typewriter it was, he replied, " Fucking Rhine fucking Metal!

I could be wrong about the details, but I think I got the gist right. (When I first read it, I couldn't stop laughing for days.)


Gentlemen, why play with fire? This is not a literary forum... Then everyone will justify themselves with "literary style" and try to prove otherwise...


for fans of the art matrix, "Matriza" by L. Poderevlanski:


and other plays:



I'm writing my newest verse to keep up this ever-fading branch:

Let's go out at night with a nigger together
With a nigger we'll go get coal
Just promise a nigger three roubles
A nigger will get coal in no time

With a nigger it's good to steal
Only see teeth at night
When he opens his mouth he'll bring trouble
Because the watchman is a skinhead

This night was a trap
Coal shortage revealed
And now I go get coal alone
Now let's remember the nigger

So let's keep niggers safe Night time rap
Night time Negroes still steal coal...

Please provide more precise coordinates for posts that violate forum rules. Otherwise it would be easier to delete the whole thread. There's really no way to read all the posts.
Rosh писал(а) >>
Please provide more exact coordinates of the posts that violate forum rules. Otherwise it's easier to delete the whole thread. It's really not possible to read all the posts.

In a parallel thread:

'EURUSD in a couple of weeks from 1.4 to 1.5'

'EURUSD in a couple of weeks from 1.4 to 1.5'

Yeah, it's probably easier to delete the whole thread than

of Sabluk's insulting posts...


No way.

Categorically against the removal of the branch

I agree, you cannot delete the thread, this mess should be preserved for posterity :) The "heroes" need to be known by their faces :)

In a parallel thread:

'EURUSD in a couple of weeks from 1.4 to 1.5'

'EURUSD in a couple of weeks from 1.4 to 1.5'

Yeah, it's probably easier to delete the whole thread than

...from Sabluk's obscene posts...

want to cover your tracks?

>> you can't delete a thread.

I'd rather be banned